For a regime that is often interpreted as bacon-centric, devotees of ancestral health movement seems much more concerned to get as much nutrition from their food choices. (Even if it means putting bacon on the back burner.)
So what are the best food choices for someone who wants to improve their diet, Paleo or otherwise?

Camu Camu

Blue-green algae
So what are the best food choices for someone who wants to improve their diet, Paleo or otherwise?
An excellent example of food as medicine, a nettle plant is packed with nutrition and has long been used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), allergies, arthritis and inflammation.
How to get nettles in your day? Steep the tea for herbaceous branch, simmer with bone broth for soup or blend into a raw vegetarian pesto. Concerned that the heating will lose its nutritional quality? This herb is so incredible nutrient dense it will still be effective even after heating.
Note: If you use a nettle to treat hay fever, work into your routine a few months before allergy season so that the benefits will be in full force once running high allergens.
Camu Camu

This Amazonian berry is loaded with vitamin C. Loaded. It has 10 times the amount found in an orange. You could eat 10 oranges or just a teaspoon of camu camu. And you will jump 30 grams of fructose that comes with navels!
In addition to vitamin C, camu camu juice has unique properties that have been shown to reduce inflammation and is being investigated as a food that may help prevent diseases related to the immune system.
A giant mushroom, reishi is absolutely supercharged with healing benefits. Maybe its effectiveness over the last 10,000 years is why it is considered a holy spiritual food. Modern research supports that this plant may be useful in treating cancer because it has the ability to shrink tumors. Other studies have also revealed as an immune modulator which can reduce both chronic and acute inflammation.
Taken as a tea, tincture or soup, this fungus can be as delicious as it is nutritious. Make a batch for the next flu season.
Blue-green algae
Humans have used blue-green algae (BGA) for over a thousand years. Its health benefits are as real today as they were for the Chinese 1,600 years ago or for the Aztecs in the 14th century. Modern researchers found BGA to be rich "essential amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B-carotene and chlorophyll."
This super powerful demonstrated "antiviral, anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-allergic anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-diabetic" in medical studies. And perhaps best of all: Supplement capsules are super easy to work into your diet.
An oyster produces 10 times more zinc than any other food. (A note of trivia:. The next closest pumpkin seeds) This dense concentration of the mineral is ideal for hair and nails. Oysters also provide a great alternative to over-the-counter medications against colds because zinc is a potent stimulant of the immune system. And speaking of power, the jury is still out on oysters as aphrodisiacs, but it could not hurt to give 'em a shot and conduct your own research.
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