For a regime that is often interpreted as bacon-centric, devotees of ancestral health movement seems much more concerned to get as much nutrition from their food choices. (Even if it means putting bacon on the back burner.)
So what are the best food choices for someone who wants to improve their diet, Paleo or otherwise?

So what are the best food choices for someone who wants to improve their diet, Paleo or otherwise?
An excellent example of food as medicine, a nettle plant is packed with nutrition and has long been used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), allergies, arthritis and inflammation.
How to get nettles in your day? Steep the tea for herbaceous branch, simmer with bone broth for soup or blend into a raw vegetarian pesto. Concerned that the heating will lose its nutritional quality? This herb is so incredible nutrient dense it will still be effective even after heating.
Note: If you use a nettle to treat hay fever, work into your routine a few months before allergy season so that the benefits will be in full force once running high allergens.