
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Healthy snack ideas. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Healthy snack ideas. Afficher tous les articles

Healthy snack ideas


Looking for healthy snack ideas? Try these easy snacks by dietitian Sally-Anne Livock.

    •    1 piece of fruit such as a banana or an apple. 

    •    15 unsalted, raw nuts 

    •    200 g tub low-fat natural yoghurt 
with frozen berries 

    •    4 apricot halves and 4 almonds 

    •    punnet of strawberries 

    •    250ml skinny latte 

    •    Homemade smoothie with low-fat 
milk, yoghurt and frozen berries 

    •    1 cup air-popped popcorn 

    •    175g tub of Yoplait Forme yoghurt 

    •    1 John West 61g Tuna to Go 
Lemon & Cracked Pepper 

    •    10 Sakata crackers with salsa 

    •    Vegie sticks (carrot, celery, 
capsicum, snow peas, asparagus, 
cauliflower) with salsa 

    •    Small muesli bar (420 kJ approx.) 

    •    2 Ryvita or corn thins with slice of 
low-fat cheese and tomato 

    •    40 g mini tub light Philli with 
carrot and celery sticks



For more healthy recipes ideas and healthy eating tips, check out our nutrition section.




Source : Diet & Nutrition