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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est lose weight.. Afficher tous les articles

4 Weight-Loss Secrets You Can Learn From Men

Wondering how guys get away with eating all that junk?
If you have tried dieting with your guy, this may sound familiar: You, three weeks after the cabbage-ifying your diet and rearranging your life to work, to discover that you lost just 0.4 pounds. Meanwhile, your man is excited because he dropped eight pounds and a total size of pants, he tells you while preparing his "smoothie diet," made from bananas, fried chicken, and chocolate milk . what gives? the researchers studied this and found that yes, men abandon twice as much weight as women when they start a diet. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for it for that, but I have my own theories, not one proven by something other than the intuition of man. Think about them before you throw the mixer to the newly slim rear end of your guy.

A Reasons Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat

Belly fat does not move? Genetics, hormones, or simple errors solution could be to blame.
Belly fat blues
Belly fat blues
Get rid of your belly bulge is important for more than just concern for vanity. Especially excessive abdominal fat visceral fat, the kind that surrounds your organs and your stomach puffs on a "beer belly", is a predictor of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and some cancers . If diet and exercise are not much do to reduce your dog, then your hormones, your age and other genetic factors may be the reason why. Read on for 11 possible reasons why your belly fat will not move.

15 Things Nobody Tells You About Losing Weight

All the weird and wonderful ways, and sometimes frustrating to drop pounds change your life.
The unexpected effects of weight loss
lose weight.
lose weight.
Losing weight does more than give you an excuse to buy new clothes. Dropping only 5 to 10% of your body weight can improve your overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.But shed unwanted pounds may also have less obvious effects, and not always for the better, said Adam Tsai, MD, a physician at Kaiser Permanent Colorado and a spokesman for the Obesity Society. Here are the good and bad things you hear not normally lose weight.