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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est HealthyFood. Afficher tous les articles

5 tasty low-calorie snacks

 We’ve uncovered five healthy snack ideas to get you through your day and the 3 pm hunger pangs.


1. Homemade popcorn: Unlike our favourite buttery movie companion, this version is a low-calorie and high-fibre snack. Just add ½ cup of corn kernels to a brown paper bag and microwave for a couple of minutes, until the popping slows down to one or two pops per second.

“Homemade popcorn is a fun wholegrain snack that provides you with roughly 1g of fibre and 1g of protein per cup for as little as 30 calories!” says wholefood dietitian and nutritionist Larina Robinson.

The best part? You can top with a touch of Himalayan salt and nut butter or spices such as turmeric or cinnamon for anti-inflammatory benefits. Or if you have the tastebuds for it, seaweed flakes are high in iodine, which is important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.  

2. Fibre One™ snacks: Sucker for a 3pm sweet hit but don’t like making your own healthy treat? Try Fibre One squares and brownies: these delicious snacks taste just like your traditional brownie, but with only 90 calories per serve.

Plus, they come in two mouth-watering flavours: Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Salted Caramel Squares. For only $5.49 for a pack of 5, it’s hard to resist.


3. Tuna with wholegrain crackers: For a healthy alternative to cheese and crackers to get you through those never-ending emails, a handful of wholegrain crackers and a tin of tuna in springwater contains around 163 calories.

This combo is high in protein and slow-releasing carbs, keeping you full for longer while not spiking blood sugar levels – the perfect afternoon or pre-workout fuel.

4. Overnight oats: AddGreek yoghurt, almond milk, chia seeds, shredded coconut and cinnamon to a cup of rolled oats in a jar and leave to set overnight. Top with your favourite berries when ready to eat. A standard breakfast-sized jar contains around 370 calories but you can halve the serving amount for a morning or afternoon snack.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and are high in fibre, aiding digestion, and cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties. You’ll reap myriad benefits from all of the ingredients, according to Robinson.

“It contains protein for muscle repair and to keep you feeling full for longer, slow-releasing carbohydrates for sustained energy and for stabilising blood sugar levels, fibre to support digestion and control weight, antioxidants to fight free radical that damage the body’s cells, and healthy fats for supple skin and healthy hair,” she says.


5. Homemade hommus with vegie sticks: Ditch the packaged store-bought dips with unhealthy oils and additives and grab a tin of chickpeas and make your own hommus.

Chickpeas are rich in protein and soluble fibre, aiding digestion, reducing inflammation and helping with heart and bone health and maintaining weight. A 2-3 tablespoon serve is roughly 100-150 calories.

Cut carrot and cucumber into sticks for dipping and you have yourself a low calorie afternoon pick-me-up, plus it’s a great way of getting in an extra serve of vegies.

This piece was produced in partnership between Fibre OneTM and Women’s Health & Fitness magazine.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Superfood strawberry protein milkshake recipe


Alleviate the brain fog and keep your mood in check with this protein smoothie.

Ingredients (makes one smoothie)



1. Combine all ingredients in a blender

2. Blend until smooth

3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


NUTRITION (per smoothie)

Protein: 19g // Fat: 5g //

Carbs: 16g // Calories: 213g





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Tiffiny Hall's 'Glow Bowl' recipe


Tuck into this delicious glow bowl filled with healthy goodness by trainer Tiffiny Hall.

Ingredients (Serves 2  // Prep: 10 min // Cook: 10 min)

  • ¼ cup mixed quinoa
  • ½ fennel, shaved
  • 2 cups baby spinach leaves
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 8 walnuts, roughly chopped
  • 2 eggs, boiled, peeled and cut into quarters, to serve
  • ½ bunch mint, leaves picked
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp yoghurt
  • 2 tbsp water





1. To cook the quinoa, bring 3/4 cup of water to the boil, add the rinsed quinoa and simmer for 10–12 minutes or until the quinoa is cooked.  Drain and spread on a plate to cool slightly.

2. To make the dressing place mint, lemon juice, yoghurt and water in a blender, blend until smooth.

3. Arrange ingredients into 2 bowls, drizzle with dressing and add boiled eggs to serve.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

A dietitian's advice on flexible dieting


While flexible dieting has become a buzz word du jour, but what does flexible dieting mean when it comes to macros and calories? We asked accredited practising dietitian and founder of Bites for Health for her expert insight. 


Macros v calories

Counting macronutrients rather than calories can ensure a more balanced overall diet; however, counting anything around food can be exhausting. The value of attending to macronutrients is to ensure that each meal contains a balance of protein, carbs and fats, which contributes to satiety – and pleasure of eating.

What are the basic rules for setting a goal-appropriate macro ratio?

This needs to be assessed by a sports dietitian or other specialist as the commonly professed means to calculate energy output with the aim of balancing energy in and out is unreliable. The total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) – based on basal metabolic rate multipled by a factor related to activity level – is almost always an estimate. Unless you have paid to get your actual energy expenditure measured, it’s not reliable.

What’s a general guide for balancing macros?

The human body is such a diverse thing – we are all different. Because of that there is no ‘perfect diet’ that fits everyone. The 40/40/20 espoused by many nutrition professionals ignores this. Certain people will feel tired having only 40 per cent of their diet from carbs, for example, and others will feel tired if they have more than 25 per cent of their diet from carbs. It’s about finding what feels good for your individual body.

Is ‘flexible dieting’ such as ‘If it fits your macros’ (IIFYM) as liberated as it sounds?

I think the theory that counting macros is flexible eating is a bit ridiculous. Flexible eating implies not having to follow rules around food, and not having to calculate or fiddle around with specific numbers. Focusing on having foods that nourish you, satisfy you and give you pleasure, without the numbers and the rules, is a real example of flexible eating.

However, there are some people who count their macros and have a very balanced, enjoyable lifestyle – and this works well for them. In my view, for its amount of effort, it’s probably not worth it.

Doesn’t counting macros circumvent the tyranny of food protocols?

This is a tough one. I agree with the concept of moral neutrality – no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods. However, the message that you can eat what you want if it fits your macros doesn’t emphasise eating nourishing foods for good health. There is a big difference between eating whatever you like and eating well.

What are the drawbacks of selecting foods by macro count?

You could have a day’s eating that fits your macros but comprises energy-dense, high-GI foods that would likely not keep you full for very long, making you starving later in the day. Ironically, it can lead to a nutrient-poor diet. Counting macros can be very counterproductive for people who are chronic dieters or who have an unhealthy relationship with food. Many people have been on numerous diets, and macro counting is just the next one. These people are generally advised to see a dietitian or therapist specialising in the non-diet approach.

If not macros, what approach do you advocate for weight loss?

Focusing on having balanced meals is not only easier, but often more enjoyable. We have no evidence that calorie-, energy- or macronutrient-controlled diets work long term for weight loss and know that it is much better to focus on having a nourishing diet that fuels your body with good food. A diet high in fibre is recommended to assist with overall health and is known to help stabilise blood sugars, assist in lowering cholesterol and help prevent certain types of cancers.





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Your Christmas Day feasting game plan


Prep yourself this Christmas with our extensive game plan that will see you enjoying the festivities without the guilt. Stephanie Osfield writes.


Christmas dinner is one of the biggest culinary deals of the year. If you only had to navigate that one day, things would be sweet – but it’s the drinks and parties and picnics and BBQs throughout the festive season that can bite. This means you’re out of your usual routine and not always cooking. You don’t want to look like you’re being all bah-humbug and not getting into the Christmas spirit, so you’ll be eating festive food. But you also don’t want to spend each event battling recriminations because you had too many chocolates.

Overthinking it? Absolutely not. Recent research published in The New England Journal of Medicine showed that in Germany, Japan and the US, holiday celebrations such as Thanksgiving and Golden Week do lead to weight gain. But the biggest kilos spike across the board occurred in the 10 days after Christmas. During this time, Germans gained an average 0.8 kilograms, Americans 0.6 kg and Japanese participants an average of 0.5 kg. And although most of those study participants shed roughly half of that weight, some of it remained. Consider the cumulative impact over time (the term ‘kilo creep’ persists for a reason).

If you’re torn between sanctioned excess and an ascetic festive season with BYO almonds, follow our experts’ plan to have your Christmas cake and eat it.

1. All Or Nothing Thinking


You Think: ‘I just broke my eating rules – I might as well eat whatever I want for the rest of the night.’

The Fallout:

“All or nothing thinking is a worrying cognitive distortion that contributes to overeating,” says Sarah McMahon, psychologist and body image expert at Sydney’s BodyMatters Australasia. “It can lead you to eat far more than you would have done if you had just given yourself permission to have a little of what you like.”

Your Christmas Comeback:

» Be compassionate towards yourself: “The fact is that most of us will eat more ‘sometimes’ and ‘occasional’ food at Christmas time,” says McMahon. “The best thing to do is to allow yourself this pleasure, enjoy the food and trust that you and your body can handle it.”

» Eat mindfully: “When you slow down to savour each mouthful of food, you not only enjoy it more, your body and mind connect, so you start to notice when you are full,” says McMahon.

» View treats as a temporary detour: Yes, last night you had garlic bread and canapés. And today? You’re back on your usual track, eating three healthy meals and healthy snacks.

» Plate up your snacks: Even at parties where you can bring a food contribution like sushi and paper plates to serve it on. “This helps you to see how much you are eating so it is easier to realise when you’ve had enough,” says dietitian and nutritionist Rebecca Gawthorne.

» Serve your leftovers to go: If you’ve had friends over for dinner and know you won’t be able to resist the rest of the cheesecake or lasagna, serve it into take-away containers and send your guests home with the leftovers.



2. Nostalgia

You Think: ‘I love fruit pudding, mince pies, White Christmas and the turkey stuffing – they all remind me of when I was a child and how easy and uncomplicated life was.’

The Fallout:

“Christmas foods typically have many layers of emotion attached to them,” says McMahon. “Firstly, some of the foods on offer, such as crackling or Christmas pudding, are things you only eat once a year. This in itself can make the food more desirable.

“Often we feel comfort and nostalgia in relation to Christmas food. Unfortunately this can lead us to keep eating more and more to fill an emotional void with food, when in reality, eating that is driven by emotions and not hunger is rarely satiating.”

Your Christmas Comeback:

» Reality check: “Ask yourself  ‘Am I hungry?’ and, in particular, ‘What am I hungry for?’”  suggests McMahon. “If you know that what you really crave is closeness or connection, honour those feelings and respond to them. Talk to your partner or a trusted sibling about your feelings or write them down. Satisfy those emotions but don’t feed them. Ask someone for a hug or do something nostalgic – look through old photos, or maybe write a journal about your feelings.”

» Give old favourite foods a health spin: For example, if you associate Christmas with fizzy drinks, buy some mineral water and add a dash of a colourful juice like grape juice. Or if Christmas chocolate was your favourite thing, still have a little, but make it a handmade dark chocolate so that it looks amazing (and has health benefits for your heart), and only eat two.

» Channel your inner child: Engage in some games you used to play as a child rather than hoeing into the food. Try board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly, or charades, or picnic games like tag and stuck in the mud.






3. Using Food To Self-Pamper

You Think: ‘I’ve had a really difficult year and I deserve to give myself this reward of lashings of yummy food and wine.’

The Fallout:

“Using food as the ultimate holiday treat puts food on a pedestal, as though it can magically fix everything that’s not working in your life and make you feel better,” says McMahon. Fast-forward a few hours after the chocolates and chips or second serving of dessert and you will still be carrying the same emotional baggage. But now you’ll have some food guilt to add to it.

Your Christmas Comeback:

» Take just a few bites: Serve yourself a little of the foods you wouldn’t normally indulge in but just take a few bites to satisfy you and don’t eat the rest. Or enjoy just a small sliver of dessert. Research from Cornell University shows that people who eat small serves of treat foods feel just as satisfied 15 minutes later as those who ate far bigger portions. Another study at Stanford University has found that people who ate only three salty crackers were more satisfied than those who ate 15 crackers.

» Seek non-food rewards: Treat yourself to a few great books for Christmas and daily indulgences over the holidays such as enjoying breakfast al fresco or going for a sunset walk with all the family. “Remind yourself that the major perks of Christmas are not the meals but spending time with family and friends and enjoying a break from work,” says McMahon.

» Avoid second serves: Instead, have a tall glass of water or a nice hot cup of tea. If that doesn’t work and you still feel hungry, go back to have a second serve of salad and vegetables.





4. Suffering Clean Eating Fatigue

You Think: ‘I’m tired of being good. I’m going to feast all through the holidays and work it off at the gym later.’

The Fallout:

“Gorging yourself during the holidays and thrashing yourself at the gym later is a dangerous trap that perpetuates an unhealthy and disconnected relationship between food and your body,” says McMahon. “A feast and famine kind of approach is not helpful to maintaining a healthy weight.” Losing weight is also a trickier prospect than many people realise so you may find that your holiday weight does not all come off, even if you’re working out hard and eating clean.

Christmas Comeback:

» Stick to your usual eating pattern: “If you’re eating out, choose the grilled fish and vegies instead of the creamy pasta," says Gawthorne. Meanwhile, skip foods you would never normally have, such as soft drinks, bread rolls at dinner, gravy and sour cream on your potatoes.”

Eating at a friend’s house? Offer to bring a huge salad so that you can serve a big plate of that and eat less of the more kilojoule-laden healthy fare.

» Work out as usual: Abandoning your exercise routine at the very time of year that you normally eat more doesn’t make any sense. “Exercise makes every cell more sensitive to insulin, so glucose enters your cells more easily,” says Christine Armarego, exercise physiologist from Sydney’s Glucose Club. “This means your pancreas doesn’t need to send out as much insulin to manage your blood glucose levels.” In turn this helps to reduce weight gain over the festive season.

» Remember – this effect is dose-dependent. “Twenty-four hours after you work out, your insulin sensitivity peaks,” Armarego explains. “Within 48 hours it has returned to what it was. That’s why daily exercise is best to keep insulin sensitivity at its highest. If you can’t manage that, try not to let more than 48 hours pass between exercise sessions.”

By contrast, if you’re a couch potato all holidays, “Higher glucose levels and insulin can lead to increased fatigue and make it harder for your body to access fats stores to burn for energy,” Armarego says.

So keep up some kind of exercise all through Christmas. And if at all possible, exercise on Christmas day – either by engaging in a workout after the present opening, or by enjoying a long family walk over lunch.





5. Starving to Save Up Kilojoules

You Think: ‘I purposely haven’t eaten a thing all day so that I can let my hair down at Christmas lunch.’

The Fallout:

“This is a classic Christmas mistake,” says Gawthorne. “You are likely to be so ravenous that you serve a huge portion and then go back for seconds, which could cause a huge kilojoule blowout.”

Christmas Comeback:

» Eat three meals: Have a simple breakfast of eggs and rye toast and eat a salad for lunch. This will ensure you’re not starving with hunger and supersize your helpings at Christmas functions and then regret it the next day.

» Go for vegies first: “Serve a stack of salad and vegetables (at least half your plate) first then serve the other foods,” Gawthorne suggests. “The more vegies you eat, the more nutrients and fibre you enjoy and the less likely you will be to overindulge in other foods. It will also help portion control the other high-kilojoule foods because you will only have a little room for them on your plate.”

» Choose a smaller plate: Put a larger plate underneath it so it has the illusion of looking even bigger. When you serve your meal, you will feel that you are eating a huge feast even though you are not overdoing your intake of kilojoules.

» Pick three favourites: Rather than go for everything from the roast potatoes and gravy to the crackling, pick three favourite high-kilojoule foods to really savour in small portions. Then fill the rest of your plate with super-healthy salads and vegetables.





6. Using Alcohol to Unwind

You Think: ‘That champagne is really giving me a nice buzz after weeks of stress. I’m going to help myself relax by having a few more.’

The Fallout:

Because it’s a drink, we often completely ignore that alcohol can pack a powerful kilojoule punch. “Beer, wine, spirits and cocktails are all high in calories and devoid of any good nutrition, so there is no nutritional benefit gained from consuming them,” says Gawthorne.

“While I don’t think there is too much of an issue with consuming small, safe amounts of one to two standard drinks of alcohol on social occasions, it’s important not to look at Christmas and New Year’s as an excuse to drink to excess. This will lead to weight gain and could cause potential health issues (such as hangovers and stomach irritation).”

Remember, alcohol often comes alongside foods like salty nuts and chips that may be harder to resist once we’ve had a few. “And if you’re feeling worse for wear the next day, you may also indulge in a big fatty breakfast,” Gawthorne adds.

Christmas Comeback:

» Make a trade-off: Decide how you are going to spend your kilojoules before each function. “If you want to indulge, for example, in a slice of your favourite Christmas cake after dinner, then you won’t want to be drinking lots of alcohol,” Gawthorne says. “Or if you want to enjoy a few alcoholic drinks, then you might need to forgo the dessert or avoid the high-kilojoule cheeses after dinner.”

» De-stress without alcohol: Not only is the lead-up to Christmas rushed and stressed for many people, but being with family is often super stressful too. So take time to stop and recharge your batteries. That may mean you engage in daily meditation, a morning swim or time out to read a book from cover to cover. The less stressed you are and the more enjoyable your Christmas holiday, the less likely you are to use food as a Christmas feelgood crutch.


NEXT: Beat the Christmas snacking blowout with these top tips. 




Source : Diet & Nutrition

5 health benefits of macadamias


Macadamias are a rich source of monounsaturated (omega-3) fatty acids and come with a host of health benefits in just one handful. Whether you eat them as a snack or use them in a recipe for added crunch, here are five reasons why you need this healthy tree nut in your diet and two delicious recipes to get you started. 



1. Gives you a dose of antioxidants which boost the body’s natural defenses

2. Naturally gluten-free, low in sugar and very low in sodium

3. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, keeping your heart healthy

4. Contributes to strong and shiny hair and nails

5. Contains vitamin B1, magnesium and potassium for increased energy and muscular function

Wondering how to incorporate this healthy tree nut in a recipe? Try these tasty picnic recipes courtesy of Australian Macadamias.


Macadamia, pumpkin and blue cheese tartlets (picutured above)

Makes 6

These tasty tartlets use store-bought pastry, so they’re quick and easy to make. The pumpkin, blue cheese and coriander combination makes them a classy work lunch option, or the ideal addition to a long and leisurely picnic. But don’t be fooled by their simplicity – the golden macadamias on top ensure they’re anything but ordinary.


300g pumpkin, peeled and cut into 1cm pieces

2 tsp oil

450g pack store-bought short-crust pastry

2 eggs

¼ cup thickened cream

50g blue cheese, crumbled

¼ cup coriander leaves, chopped, or chives if you prefer

¼ cup macadamia halves


1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

2. Place the pumpkin pieces on a small tray and drizzle with oil. Roast for 15 minutes, or until just soft.

3. Place pastry on a lightly floured work surface and cut out 6 x 14cm rounds, to fit tartlet tins. You may have slightly smaller or larger tins, so cut according to your size. Press the pastry circles into the tins.

4. Cut 6 rounds of baking paper to line the pastry. Line the pastry and weight with pastry weights or an appropriate weight – rice or dried chickpeas work well. Bake for 5–7 minutes, remove from the oven and set aside to cool slightly. Remove the baking paper and weights.

5. Whisk together the eggs and cream. Pour the egg mixture into the empty tart shell so that it comes halfway up the sides. Divide the pumpkin and blue cheese between the tarts and sprinkle with coriander. Dot with macadamia halves and return to the oven for a further 5–7 minutes, until puffed and golden.

6. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Macadamia and three seed crackers recipe




Makes 24

These deliciously moreish crackers are perfect with cheese and add a little macadamia magic to any picnic platter. Best of all, the super-easy, blend-and-bake recipe means you can whip up a batch in no time and hit the picnic rug sooner!


¼ cup wholemeal flour

¼ cup oats

½ cup macadamias

2 tbsp poppy seeds

2 tbsp sunflower seeds

2 tbsp sesame seeds

3 tbsp water


1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

2. Place all the ingredients except the water in a blender. Blend until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Note that many of the sesame seeds and all the poppy seeds will still be whole.

3. With the motor running, add the water a tablespoon at a time until the mixture comes together and forms a ball. Place the ball on a sheet of baking paper that will line a baking tray.

4. Flatten the ball to a rectangle about 1cm thick. Place a large piece of plastic wrap over the flattened mixture and roll out to a 2mm thick rectangle with a rolling pin. Remove the plastic wrap and use a ruler and knife, or a pasta cutter, to score the flattened dough to create small, cracker sized rectangles.

5. Transfer the dough and baking paper to a tray and bake for 8–10 minutes, until the edges have started to go golden and the inner areas are cooked. Remove and cool for 5 minutes on the tray before gently breaking into pieces along the score lines and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container.

This piece was produced in partnership with the Australian Macadamias.

NEXT: Packed with nourishing good fats, here are 11 other healthy nuts to add to your healthy eating regime.



Source : Diet & Nutrition

Chocolate mint smoothie recipe

Get your protein fix with this chocolate mint smoothie courtesy of our friends at Activated Nutrients. 

Ingredients (makes one smoothie)

  • 1 scoop Activated Nutrients Daily Protein Raw Cacao
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1 cup milk of choice (almond, soy, dairy, etc.)
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 10 mint leaves (plus a few more to garnish)
  • 1 tbsp cacao nibs to garnish (optional but does add a brilliant crunch!)


1. Blitz all ingredients (except garnish mint and cacao nibs) in blender until smooth.

2. Pour into glass and garnish with mint leaves and a sprinkling of cacao nibs.


NUTRITION (per serve)

Protein: 21g // Fat: 10.5g // Carbs: 40g // Calories: 290





Source : Diet & Nutrition

8 post-workout meal ideas


Studies show that proper nutrient timing can benefit workout recovery, muscle growth, athletic potential and body composition. Here, accredited sports dietitian, Jessica Spendlove shares her top post-workout meals.




  • Poached eggs with grilled ham off the bone, avocado and two slices of wholegrain or spelt toast.
  • 200 grams of Greek yoghurt (Chobani) with half or one cup of oats, and some berries and sliced almonds.
  • A breakfast smoothie consisting of your milk of choice, a couple of scoops of Greek yoghurt, a frozen banana, sprinkle of cinnamon and half a cup of oats.


  • Between 150-200 grams of salmon or chicken with 200 grams of sweet potato and as many steamed greens as you like.
  • Between 150-200 gram of lean protein with one cup of brown rice and a side salad.


  • A frozen fruit smoothie with your milk of choice, nut butter and Greek yoghurt.
  • 200 grams of Greek yoghurt with sliced fruit and nuts.
  • A protein shake made with a base of your choice (water, coconut water or milk) and a piece of fruit to provide fibre.

NEXT: Not sure what protein to go for? Read all about them here.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Raw caramel slice with ‘shortbread’ base

Whether your sweet tooth needs a 3 pm fix or you’re looking for something delicious to serve the gals over afternoon tea, we’ve got you sorted.

This low-sugar caramel slice courtesy of Health Synergy is a refined sugar-free and vegan alternative that’s just as tasty (if not more) as the high-sugar version.


Ingredients (makes 12)

  • Shortbread
  • ½ cup buckinis, ground to a flour
  • ¼ cup cashews, ground to a flour
  • ⅓ cup desiccated coconut
  • 2½ tbsp coconut butter or coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tbsp coconut nectar
  • 2–3 tbsp boiling water


  • 1 cup medjool dates, pitted (soak in warm water for a few minutes to soften)
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • ¼ cup coconut butter or coconut oil, melted
  • ¼ cup hot water
  • 1 tbsp hulled tahini
  • 1 tbsp mesquite powder, optional
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean powder
  • ¼ tsp Himalayan salt


  • 100 grams raw dark chocolate (we use Loving Earth 85%)


1. Combine all base ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix well until it starts to stick together (it is easiest to use your hands to make sure it is well combined).

2. Press into the base of a greased and lined baking tray and place in the fridge while you make the caramel.

3. Combine all caramel ingredients in a high-power blender, blend until smooth and creamy.

4. Spoon on top of the base, spreading evenly.

5. Place in the freezer for 2–3 hours or until fairly firm.

6. Using a double saucepan, melt dark chocolate in a shallow saucepan and spread melted chocolate on top of the caramel.

7. Return to fridge for another 10–15 minutes to allow chocolate to set.

8. Using a sharp knife, cut into small slices, serve and enjoy.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Spiced post workout shake


Get your protein fix post workout with these delicious spiced shake by personal trainer Tegan Haining.



  • ½ cup roasted sweet potato 
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp cardamom
  • ¼ tsp ginger
  • ½ cup ice
  • 1 cup almond or coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 scoop BSC Naturals Vegan Protein


Blend well to combine, drink immediately.


NUTRITION (per serve)

Protein: 48.2g // Fat: 10.7g //Carbs: 39.9g // Calories: 448.05





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Healthy eating with Rachael Finch

We caught up with mum and author Rachael Finch to chat about her healthy eating habits and discovered how she stays on track.

Who’s that girl? Mother to Violet and Dominic, wife to Misha (her partner on Dancing with the Stars), certified Health Coach, author of Happy, Healthy Strong, and founder of B.O.D (Body of Dance).

Exercise Goal: My exercise goals vary depending on the season and what’s going on in my life. Currently I’m enjoying getting back into my dance workouts and stretch sessions since having Dominic. I also have a little personal goal to make five unassisted chin-ups by the end of the year. Wish me luck!

Typical day of exercise? I always try to workout in the morning: it’s when I have most energy and Violet loves coming out on the balcony with us in the morning air. I balance cardio, especially dancing, with stretch and tone workouts, and pair it with beautiful fresh food and meditation every day.

Steal her Science: Immunity

Rachael’s food plan provides the body with a variety of proteins – found in the quinoa, legumes, chicken and nuts – and healthy essential fats including omegas and vitamins A, E and D. Accredited nutritionist, Tracie Hyam Connor (, says Rachael’s food plan has a great combination of flavours, and the use of homemade foods and fresh ingredients satisfy some nutrition requirements. “High protein diets from a variety of sources provide nutrients needed for sustained energy, muscle building and recovery. Good inclusion of essential fats and nutritious greens nourish the body and assist with stronger immunity and resistance to disease and illness, as well as faster recovery when needed.” Hyam Connor says if you’re adopting the food plan, focus on balancing your ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For an extra health kick, we recommend adding some spinach to your morning smoothie, or try loading your chilli bean salad with your favourite vegies.


Sample Day on a plate:

Breakfast: Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day! If I need something quick, I love a good blitz like my B.O.D Choc Espresso Smoothie (think: cold drip coffee, protein powder, banana, almond milk and rolled oats), full of antioxidants and espresso buzz. Sundays are my day for long brekkies and relaxing, so we usually go out to eat and I will have eggs on toast with lots of sides.

Lunch: For lunch I usually have filling salads or left-overs from dinner, such as haloumi and quinoa, or my chilli bean salad with avo, lime and feta.

Dinner: My go-to winter warmer dinner at the moment is my coconut chicken zoodle soup. There’s loads of green, so lots of good stuff going on! (Think: onion, garlic, chicken, zucchini, coconut milk, coriander leaves, kale etc).

Snack: Almond and date power balls and cookie dough protein balls are the best to grab when I’m on-the-go.


Photography: Bayleigh Vedelago






Source : Diet & Nutrition

The importance of protein intake post-workout


Protein is vital post-workout in order to kick-start the body’s recovery process. Here, Hilary Simmons explores the importance of timing and balance for health.

According to research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN), the ability to build lean muscle mass is elevated for 24 to 48 hours after training. During this window – otherwise known as the anabolic phase – the body is greedy for nutrients, the muscles hungrily suck in glucose and your overall ability to process protein is significantly raised.


In practice, if you’re training most days, then your body is in a constant state of recovery and it’s therefore important to be consuming protein regularly across the day, especially if you’re trying to build lean muscle mass.

Accredited sports dietitian, Jessica Spendlove notes that building lean muscle mass is one of the better and more conclusively researched areas in the sports nutrition space, with two clear elements to consider if you’re aiming for muscle hypertrophy:


» Protein timing. Protein is required to build and repair muscle tissue. Not eating enough can hinder your gains, so this is where the timing, distribution and composition of your meals comes into play.

» Energy balance. While muscle hypertrophy requires a calorie surplus, shedding body fat requires an energy deficit – in other words, you need to consume less calories than you use.

Consuming enough protein will be vital to both goals: for the former, to ensure a surplus and, for the latter, to preserve muscle mass.

This doesn’t mean you need to freak out that the anabolic window of opportunity is going to close the minute your workout ends. While it’s wise to bookend your training with a balanced post-workout snack (think a banana with nut butter or a protein shake), you have one to two hours to reap the benefits of your body’s heightened nutrient-processing abilities.

Good post-workout nutrition will always have three key components:

» Slow release carbohydrate (such as oats, wholegrain sourdough, quinoa, sweet potato, brown rice and bananas) to replenish muscle glycogen stores.

» Good quality protein (such as Greek yoghurt, eggs, milk, chicken, turkey, tuna or protein powder) to support muscle recovery.

» Fluid. In fact, this goes for pre-, intra- and post-workout nutrition.

The post-workout period is also a great time for you to enjoy an açaí bowl, or loads and loads of vegies. According to Spendlove, many people go wrong by undereating on the days they have trained, when they can actually afford to eat more. In fact, their bodies will utilise the nutrients better.

“For example, a 60kg woman may be completing a mix of HIIT, LISS and weights every week night. She may eat really ‘clean’ throughout the week, focusing on lean protein, lots of vegetables and minimal carbohydrate intake,” says Spendlove.

“But on the weekends she may eat out most meals, have alcohol both nights and be more relaxed about portion sizes. What can easily happen here is a total mismatch of intake and output. Her high intake days are her lowest output days, and this is not ideal. Aim to match your intake to your output.”

In addition, if you undereat or under-nourish your body during your recovery phase, it can lead to appetite spikes later in the day – or into the next – often resulting in overeating.

“We all understand when we’re trying to lose weight that we need to be in an energy deficit, but weight loss and, more importantly, body fat loss is a lot more complex than that,” says Spendlove. “To most effectively lose body fat we need to strike the right balance between what we are eating and the training we are doing. One of the biggest mistakes I see women make is over-restricting on training days or around intense training sessions, but then end up over-eating on low output days. Post-workout nutrition is important, but you need to pay attention to pre-workout and intra-workout nutrition as well in order for it to succeed.”

By the same token, athletes and individuals who train most days have 50 to 100 per cent higher protein requirements than inactive or sedentary people. During periods of significant physical adaptation, such as when an individual is first beginning to workout, protein needs are greatly increased.

“When we talk about protein intake for muscle hypertrophy, the key elements are the type of protein, the timing of protein intake, and the distribution of protein intake across the day, as well as the total intake,” says Spendlove. “Most people are consuming enough total protein across the day, but they are possibly not consuming it at the right time or in the right amounts. You can make an enormous difference to your diet and fitness goals by focusing on distributing your intake more evenly.”




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Glowing smoothie bowl recipe


Start your day with this delicious glowing bowl courtesy of personal trainer Danielle Bazergy.




  • 1 scoop BSC Organic Plant Protein (vanilla)
  • 1 cup spinach 
  • 1 cup kale
  • 5-10 ml chlorophyll 
  • 100 ml coconut water 
  • 1 large frozen banana 
  • ½ cup ice 


Blend all ingredients, either adding more coconut water or ice depending on desired consistency


  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries 
  • Buckwheat 
  • Shaved coconut 

NUTRITION (per serve for the base ingredients)

Protein = 23.5g // Fat = 2.2g // Carbs = 39.4g // Calories = 270





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Breakfast coconut & protein chia recipe

Channel the healthy Sunday brunch vibes with this delicious chia bowl by the team at 360Health.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 250 ml light coconut milk
  • Chai tea, 4 tea bags
  • 1 scoop 360Health Protein (vanilla protein works well)
  • 500 ml light soy milk or almond milk
  • 2 tbsp honey, plus optional extra to serve
  • ½ cup white chia seeds
  • Fat free natural yoghurt, chopped pistachios and fig or fresh berries to serve


1. Bring the coconut milk and tea bags to the boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat and simmer gentle for 2 minutes.

2. Add vanilla protein (shaken with a bit of soy milk).

3. Add the remaining soy milk, honey and chia seeds.

4. Mix thoroughly to combine, then refrigerate for 30 minutes.

5. Stir again and divide the mixture into four small cups or glasses.

6. Refrigerate again until you wish to serve. Top with a dollop of yoghurt, ½ tbsp nuts and a few berries.

NEXT: Looking for more breakfast ideas? Try these easy breakfast bars.


Source : Diet & Nutrition

6 tips for a healthy gut

Nutritionist, exercise scientist, trainer and online coach Brooke Turner shares her tips for a healthy gut.



  • Increase your prebiotic intake, which good gut bacteria uses as fuel to nourish its growth and activity.
  • Eat fermented foods such as yoghurt with live cultures, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, miso and tamari.
  • Up your fibre intake, which is essential for having a diverse array of bacteria.
  • Avoid the use of antibiotics where possible. Antibiotics wreak havoc on your bacteria levels and can wipe out the good bacteria.
  • Avoid inflammatory foods which are highly processed and high in sugar. Opt for anti-inflammatories such as turmeric, aloe vera and slippery elm.
  • Manage your stress levels. A link between gut health and mental health has been proven in many studies so minimising stress can directly impact your gut




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Banana nutella protein muffins


Satisfy your sweet tooth with this decadent yet healthy recipe courtesy of our friends at Goddess Nutrition and Beast Nutrition.


Nutrition (per muffin):

Calories 101kcal // Protein 6.5g // Carbs 11g // Fat 3.6g


  • Non-stick cooking spray
  • 1¼ cups wholemeal flour
  • 1½ scoops (45 g) Goddess Nutrition™ Complete Recovery Lean Protein powder in Banana Marshmallow flavour
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • ½ cup plain non-fat Greek yoghurt
  • ¼ cup skimmed milk»1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup Nutella hazelnut chocolate spread
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts


1. Pre-heat oven to 170⁰C. Coat a 12-cup standard muffin pan with cooking spray.

2. In a bowl, whisk together flour, Goddess Nutrition™ Complete Recovery Lean Protein powder, ground flaxseeds, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, combine eggs, mashed bananas, yoghurt, milk and vanilla extract. Then mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just combined.

3. Fill the muffin cups halfway and drop a teaspoon-size dollop of Nutella in each. Then use the rest of the mixture to fill the muffin cups to the top. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top and bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool on a wire rack.

4. Store muffins in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

NEXT: Looking for more healthy recipes? Check out our recipe collection.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Cinnamon, pear & date protein porridge recipe

Kick-start your day with this healthy, high protein porridge courtesy of our friends at 360Health.

Ingredients (serves 4)


  • 500 ml water
  • 2 pears, cored, peeled and sliced
  • 1 ½ cups multigrain porridge mix (e.g. rolled oats, triticale, barley, rye, rice)
  • ½ cup pitted dates, chopped
  • 1 scoop 360Health Natural Protein
  • 1 scoop 360Health Vanilla Protein
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • Skim milk, sugar-free maple syrup and walnuts to serve


1. In a saucepan, combine water, pears, oats and dates and bring to the boil over a low heat, stirring constantly.

2. Simmer the porridge for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the pears are tender. Remove from the heat.

3. Stir in the protein powder.

4. Spoon the porridge into 4 serving bowls. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve with skim milk and honey or maple syrup if desired. A sprinkle of walnuts adds a lovely crunch.


NUTRITION (per serve)

Protein: 24g // Fat: 8.5g // Carbs: 47g // Calories: 369


Get your hands on the 360Health recipe book for more delicious recipes.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Fig and cashew paleo bars

Looking for healthy snacks on the go? Try these delicious fig and cashew paleo-friendly bars by our friends at Flannerys. They’re also vegan, gluten free, dairy and egg free, so you know you’re in good hands.

  • Ingredients
  • 1 ¼ cup Flannerys Own Organic Figs (stemless)
  • 2 cups Flannerys Own Organic Raw Cashews, plus extra for topping
  • 1 cup Flannerys Own Coconut Chips, plus extra for topping
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp sea salt, plus extra for topping
  • 1/3 cup Flannerys Own Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp Flannerys Own Cacao Powder


1. Place figs, cashews, coconut, vanilla and sea salt in a food processor and blend until mixed well, but not pureed

2. Pour mixture into a lined baking dish and press down with a fork until mixture is flat

3. Mix the coconut oil, cacao powder and vanilla together in a small saucepan over a low heat until melted, then pour over the fig and cashew mixture evenly

4. Sprinkle extra coconut, cashews and sea salt over the top of the icing and place in the fridge for 2-3 hours or until hardened.





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Tiramisu smoothie recipe

Get maximum taste and maximum tone with this delicious protein smoothie by Lisha Lorincz.


Chocolate Coffee Layer:

  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ scoop chocolate protein powder
  • ½ cup chilled coffee
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ½ cup ice

Vanilla Cream Layer:

  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ scoop vanilla protein powder
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp cottage cheese
  • ½ cup ice


Blend Need for chocolate coffee layer until smooth. Pour into desired glass, and set in freezer. Next, blend Need for vanilla cream layer until smooth and pour on top of chocolate coffee layer. Garnish with toppings and enjoy!




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Protein carrot cake cupcake recipe

With hints of vanilla, cinnamon and salted caramel, and containing less than 13 grams of carbs, we doubt you will stop at one of these protein carrot cake cupcakes.

Settle down with a cuppa and a clean protein cupcake this winter, courtesy of WH&F cover model Heidi Cannon.


Ingredients (makes 8)


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 1/3 cup crushed walnuts
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 scoop of salted caramel protein powder of your choice
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup vegetable shortening


  • 1/3 cup low fat cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp. organic icing sugar
  • 1 scoop salted caramel protein powder of your choice




1. Shred carrots in food processor.

2. Fold in all wet ingredients.

3. Slowly add in dry ingredients to mixture and blend together (mixture will be fairly dense). Scoop out the mixture and place into individual cupcake tins. I recommend using a tin foil lined cupcake wrapper to make removal easier.

Icing :

1. With an electric mixer, blend cream cheese and salted caramel protein powder.

2. Slowly add in organic icing sugar and blend together.

3. Place in fridge for 10 to 15mins or until you are ready to ice the cupcakes.


NUTRITION  (per cupcake, depending on protein powder used)

Protein= 7g // Fat= 18.25g // Carbs=12.25g // Calories= 236

NEXT: Looking for more healthy treats? Try these mini chocolate pronuts today.





Source : Diet & Nutrition