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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est FitnessWorkouts.. Afficher tous les articles

Strength building core finisher workout


A strong core will support everything else you do, but when most people think of core they only think of abs. Head trainer Alexa Towersey and Jenna Douros show us how to build up your core. 






The core includes all of the abs (deep and superficial) in addition to the muscles of the hips and lower back. These four exercises are designed to target as much of the core as possible. When combined with the flexion, extension and rotation exercises in the DB Complex and HIIT workout, you have a very comprehensive workout plan. Where possible, think of squeezing the inner thighs together and drawing the pelvic floor in and up (think holding your pee mid-flow) – this is the most surefire way to activate the midline and the ‘lazier’ lower and deep transverse abdominals. We don’t just want a washboard stomach on the outside, we want a corset on the inside. You can do the exercises in any order but I like to start with the lower abs (reverse crunches) and finish with a neutral spine (reinforcing correct posture for the day).

Reps: 20 of each


Week 1: 1 set | Week 2: 2 sets

Week 3: 3 sets | Week 4: 4 sets


Reverse Crunch x 20



Lying on your back, lift your legs in the air with your knees slightly bent. Place your hands on the floor beside you. Without momentum, use your lower abs to slowly curl the hips off the floor as if you want to touch your toes to the ceiling. Slowly lower them back to the starting position. This is one rep.


Knee Hugs x 20



Sit down on the mat with your knees bent, your hands hugging your knees and lift your feet off the floor. Open your arms, extend your legs as long and as low as possible without arching your back. Lift your torso, bend your knees, and return to the starting position.



Window Wipers x 12


Lie on your back and raise your legs 90 degrees. Spread your arms straight out to your sides for support. Rotate your legs to one side, stopping short of touching the floor. Rotate to the other side. Try and reach the top hip on the rotation while keeping the opposite shoulder on the ground to make sure you’re not only working the abs but getting a great stretch through the upper (thoracic spine). As you improve, bring your arms closer in to your body so they offer less stability.



Plank-Ups x 12





The goal is to maintain a solid plank position throughout the whole exercise and to not let your hips sway. Start on your elbows and toes. Keep your hips as still as possible, push up with one hand, then the other, until you are propped up in a push-up position. Lower back down to your elbows one arm at a time. Halfway through, change your leading arm so you strengthen the other shoulder as you press up to your hands. Note: hand placement should be where your elbows were – don’t cheat the movement by just trying to straighten your arm.


Models/Trainers: Alexa Towersey (@actionalexa) &
Jenna Douros (@jennalouise_jl)

Photographer: Jason Lee // @jasonminilee

Wearing: Douros – P.E. Nation // Towersey – Heroine Sport
(shoes by Athletic Propulsion Labs) via Stylerunner









from Fitness

Jenna Douros' HIIT workout sampler


Designed to get your heart rate high and burn max calories this HIIT circuit by Jenna Douros will also help you improve your muscle endurance and cardiovascular fitness.







It requires only your body weight, so you can perform the workout literally anywhere. Complete all exercises back-to-back, as quickly as possible, with only transition time as rest. At the end of the round, rest for 30 to 90 seconds. Complete 2 to 5 rounds.

Kick-sits x 20








Start in a bear position, hands directly under shoulders and elbows/knees hovering approximately an inch off the ground, under hips. Keep both hands planted on the ground while you thread one leg though to the opposite side until your hip taps the ground. Bring your leg back through the same way and repeat on the opposite side.

Plyo Push-tucks x 10



Start by lying on your belly with your hands flat on the floor, tucked just under your shoulders. From this position you want to push your body up into a raised plank position while simultaneously tucking both knees towards your underarms. Return the same way and repeat for a total of 10 reps.

In and Outs in Squat Position on Toes x 20




Start in a squat position. Now raise up onto your toes before jumping both feet out wide and back in again. That’s 1 rep.

Wall Walks x 8



Start by lying on your belly with your feet touching a wall and hands above your head. From this position, reverse/push your body up the wall, walking your hands all the way in so that your chest meets the wall. Return the same way and repeat for a total of 8 reps. You ould regress this exercise to reverse burpees, where you just place your hands on the ground as if for a regular burpee and jump your feet up the wall.

Travelling Mountain Climbers x 10 each direction




Just like your standard mountain climber; the difference being you will move left for 10 reps and right for 10 reps.




from Fitness

Strengthening shoulder workout

For all the girls carrying the world on their shoulders, Karey Northington provides an epic upper body circuit designed to build strength and create some serious shape.


The why


This workout is a fantastically efficient time saver that hits the deltoid from multiple angles, creating beautifully sculpted shoulders. Using dumbbells, the body bar and the plate help vary the muscles used and make the workout convenient to do almost anywhere. With today’s busy schedules, it’s crucial to have at-home options that save a trip to the gym.

The do

Complete 12 reps of each exercise one after the other, with little to no rest in between. Begin with two rounds, working your way up to four rounds as you become stronger and fitter. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between each round. 


Model/Workout: Karey Northington //

Photography: James Patrick //





Front raise with body bar





Start by holding the body bar with a pronated grip and hands shoulder width apart, elbows slightly bent. Raise bar to chin height engaging anterior deltoid. Control bar back to start position. 





Dumbbell shoulder press



Lift dumbbells and rotate hands so palms are facing up. Start with dumbbells even with your ears and press overhead without letting the dumbbells touch. Return to start position and repeat.





Dumbbell lateral raise



Hold dumbbells at sides, palms facing your body and elbows slightly bent. Raise arms leading with your elbow and small finger to shoulder height. Lower slowly to starting position and repeat.





Bus driver



Holding a plate on each side, raise to chin height and rotate plate from side to side. Lower and repeat.

Tip: challenge yourself by doing 12 front raises alone with the plate to pre-fatigue the muscles, and then holding the plate in the top position to complete reps rotating the plate. 





Low plank to high plank



Start in a low plank position on your forearms, with your feet shoulder width apart and your lower back flat. Push your body up into a high plank position, first onto your right hand then onto your left. Lower yourself back down to the low plank position one arm at a time.  Repeat, alternating which arm pushes up first.





from Fitness

AMRAP high-energy body-weighted workout

WH&F cover model and personal trainer Grace Shelmerdine takes you through a high-energy, body-weighted circuit designed to burn maximum calories quicker than you can say pass me the sweat towel.






AMRAP stands for ‘As Many Rounds As Possible’, and the reason I love this type of circuit is because it’s so motivating! Instead of having to complete a certain number of exercise sets, AMRAPs are a race against the clock to complete as many rounds of the circuit as possible in the time allocated. This means short rest times, high reps and lots of hard work.


Sweaty, exhausted and feeling like you may spew – all in just 25 minutes? Why would you want to do this? The most common goal for my clients is to reduce body fat; to maintain muscle and ‘tone’ while stripping off the jiggle! AMRAPs are the perfect tool for completing such a goal.

AMRAP circuits are designed to burn a large amount of calories in a relatively short amount of time (think 20 to 30 minutes). The weighted (or body-weighted) exercises are predominately big compound movements which require a lot of energy to perform, combined with intense plyometric and cardio-based exercises – meaning you get great bang for your buck. While potential loss of muscle mass through copious cardio can be a concern, PowerFit AMRAPS are also great for improving muscle condition. You wouldn’t necessarily build significant muscle size due to the high rep range and energy expenditure, but you will maintain your muscle mass and improve muscle function.

Circuit style training is also great for improving fitness. If you are preparing for a sporting event such as an upcoming netball season or a long distance run, AMRAP circuits can be worked into your weekly routine to improve power, stamina and endurance.



Try this Full-Body PowerFit AMRAP.

Complete each exercise one after the other, with as little (or no) rest in between as possible. Complete the entire circuit as many times as possible within a 30min time cap. Be sure to record your score so you can try and beat it next time.

Curtsy lunges x 10 reps
(5 alternating lunges on each side)

Jump squat x 10 reps

Butterfly sit-up x 10 reps

Jump lunges x 10 reps

Shoulder tap x 10 reps (5 alternating taps on each side)






Curtsy lunges


Begin by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Step your left foot behind the right leg as far as you can – legs should almost feel as though they are crossed. Lunge downwards, being careful not to lose your balance. Bring the left foot back to starting position, squat in the middle and then repeat on the right leg.




Jump squats - narrow stance


Standing with your feet hip-width apart, jump into the air as high as you can and land in a squat position. Repeat.




Butterfly sit-ups


Lying on a mat, place your feet together and allow your knees to fall to the sides. Extend arms up above your head towards the ground, then sit up and reach through with your arms to touch your toes. Return to lying position and repeat.




Jumping lunges


Begin with feet in a stationary lunge position and jump up into the air, while switching feet and landing on the opposite side, again in lunge position.




Shoulder tap


Starting in a push-up position, lift one hand off of the mat and reach across your body to tap the opposite shoulder. Return your hand to the ground and repeat on your other side. Try to keep hips as flat and still as you can throughout the entire movement.










from Fitness

Sculpting lower body circuit



Carve your buns, quads, and hamstrings (plus a little bit of core) with this killer lower-body circuit courtesy of trainer Joni Ortiz.




Power through the exercises quickly using your own bodyweight, or take it at a slower, harder pace by adding a set of dumbbells into the mix.



Model/Trainer: Joni Ortiz //  Photography: James Patrick


This lower-body circuit is great for strengthening and toning your lower body and, considering some of the largest muscles of the body can be found in your legs, you get the added bonus of serious calorie burn.

Complete 15 repetitions of each exercise with good form before moving on to the next exercise. Complete each exercise back-to-back with no rest in-between to ensure your heart rate is kept high. At the end of the circuit, rest for 30 seconds (advanced) to 1 minute (beginner), before starting the circuit again. Four rounds.



Forward lunges





Stand holding your dumbbells by your side (if you have them) and step forward, lowering your back knee down to the ground and keeping your front knee in alignment with your ankle. Push through your heel back into standing position. Repeat for 15 reps, alternating legs.




Good morning - squat Rotation




Start in a standing position. Move into a good-morning with a slight bend in your knees, hinging at the hip and with your back straight. From here, sit back into a squat (hold this for a couple of seconds) and then move back into a good morning.  Return to a standing position. This is one rep. Repeat for 15 reps, moving at a moderate to quick pace.





Single-leg deadlifts


Start in a standing position, holding dumbbells at your sides. Shift weight onto one leg, lower dumbbells down, keeping a slight bend in the stationary leg, while kicking alternate leg back. Upon rising, push through the heel and squeeze your glute muscle for two seconds before lowering back down. Repeat.




Bench step-ups with kickback


Stand facing a bench. Step up with your right foot and kick your left leg back at the highest point of the movement, squeezing your glute. Step back down to the ground and repeat with your opposite leg. Alternate legs until you have completed 15 reps.




Spiderman plank


Begin in plank position, holding dumbbells. Bring your right knee towards your right elbow with a slight squeeze in your oblique, before returning back to plank position. Repeat on your left side and alternate sides until you have completed 15 reps.




Bench jumps


Stand facing the bench. Squat down and jump up onto the bench into a squatted position. Think ‘light knees’ – you should not be banging into the bench with force, as this puts undue pressure on your joints. Step back down to the ground and repeat until you have completed 15 reps.   




Alien squats


Get into a squat position with knees wide. Kick feet out without raising your upper body, before moving back down into the squat position. Repeat for 15 reps. This exercise should be completed quickly for best results.




Single-leg variation (lunge – kickback) 



In standing position, shift weight to one leg, move into single leg lunge and, upon rising, kick alternate leg back. Move back into standing position before completing the same movement on the opposite leg. Alternate legs until 15 reps are complete. Remember to move quickly through the movement.













from Fitness

Fat burning full body workout


Burn fat, build muscle and lean lean lean with this efficient 30-minute full body workout courtesy of trainer, Amber Bloom. 


This full body workout takes just 30 minutes to complete and requires minimal equipment – so it can really be done absolutely anywhere! This training session will target your upper body, lower body and abs, while still incorporating some cardio to keep the heart rate high.

Each set has three exercises to be performed one after the other, followed by one minute of cardio (one round). Repeat each set three times before moving on to the next set. Take a one-minute break in-between each set (or between each round for beginners). As with any exercise, warm-up and cool down is always recommended.  

P.S: No skipping rope? No problem! Just jump in place, mimicking the movement.


Model: Amber Blom
Photographer: James Patrick


Set One

This first set focuses on your upper-body. You may want to choose a lighter weight since you will performing a high number of reps, or you can always drop the weight down as your muscles fatigue.

Repeat this set three times. Rest for one minute before moving on to the next set.

Bicep curl x 15 reps 

Make sure to keep your elbows in by your side, your hips tucked under and your core tight. Start with the weights fully extended down, then curl them up, squeezing at the top. Release the weight down to the starting position (resist the momentum and control them all the way down). 











Military press x 15 reps 

Start with the dumbbells under your chin, then rotate them out and up to an overhead press. Bring them down below your chin and that’s one rep.  Make sure not to arch your back as you press them up – always keep your core tight.


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Push-up x 15 reps

The beauty of push-ups is that they can be modified to accommodate your fitness level.  You can do tricep push-ups, wide push-ups or push-ups on your knees (I like to do a mix).


amber push-up-amber.jpg



Jump rope for 60 seconds.  You can do alternating single leg jumps, jumps using both feet or any other combination you like.  This cardio burst between each set keeps your heart rate up and the calories burning! 


amber jump-roppe-cardio.jpg





Set two

This second set of exercises focuses on your lower-body. You may want to use a heavier weight for this set.

Repeat this set three times. Rest for one minute before moving on to the last set.

Deadlifts x 15 reps. 

For this exercise, hinge at the hips with a slight bend in the knee. Stand up and squeeze the glutes. You should be able to feel the glutes and hamstrings on each rep. Keep your shoulders rolled back throughout the exercise.




deadlifts- amber.jpg


Squat jumps x 15 reps

Start in a squat position. Jump up, extending the arms to your sides, before returning to a squat position. That’s one rep. Make sure form is not compromised on this exercise: your knees should not fall inward when you squat. 



amber jump-squats-workout.jpg


Alternating walking lunge with glute squeeze x 15 reps per leg

To perform this exercise, extend one leg out in front in a lunge position. As you stand up, raise the back leg and squeeze the glutes. Lunge forward with the opposite leg and repeat on that side. You should complete 30 lunges in total (15 on each side).




amber alternative-walking-lunge.jpg

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Set Three

This set is all about your abs and core.

Repeat this set three times.

Russian twist x 15 reps per side

This exercise hits the oblique muscles. Find a comfortable seated position with your feet elevated off the ground. You may have your legs bent for more stability or extended if you’re more advanced. Hold each end of the dumbbell in your hands and twist your body to one side then the opposite.  Complete 15 reps per side.






Glute bridge x 15 reps

Lay on your back with a dumbbell on your abdomen.  To perform this exercise, raise your hip bones up as high as they can, squeezing the glutes.  Lower your body back to the ground. This is one rep. Ensure your knees don’t fall in or out as you perform this exercise.  


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One minute plank

This exercise helps cinch in the waist and stabilise the core. Rest your elbows and forearms on the ground, raising your hips to form a straight line from your neck to your ankles. The key to this exercise is to squeeze all your muscles! Think about your glutes, your core, your quads – they should all be activated. As you fatigue, it’s common to sag the lower back; resist this by squeezing all your muscles. And yes, it’s normal for your muscles to shake.


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amber jump-roppe-cardio.jpg




from Fitness

5 exercises for at-home reformer Pilates


Want to bring your Pilates sessions home with you? Here are five ways to bring some reformer moves into your home workouts.


If reformer Pilates sounds like your kind of deal, you better be prepared to part with a pretty penny. An hour-long private lesson can set you back hundreds of dollars, while group classes are still quite pricey. But for those without the watertight income, exercise physiologist Jennifer Smallridge and physiotherapist at Sportsmed biologic, Rebecca Huppert put together five spins on classic reformer moves to have you reaping all the benefits in the comfort of your own home:


1. Reformer lunges

This move is traditionally performed with one foot on the carriage, one foot on the stable platform, and the lunge pushes the carriage back (creating instability). This can be reproduced with XR Slides on a carpeted area ( by placing one foot on the ground and the back foot on the slide, lunging and then swapping sides. You could also use a book to gain the sliding motion.

2. Hands in straps – pullovers

Without a reformer, a resistance band can be wrapped around a steady object (table leg, tied tightly around a door handle). Lie with your body facing away from the band, ensure there is tension in the band, extend both arms up to the ceiling and pull the band down towards your sides while keeping your pelvis neutral. Challenges to this move include putting the legs up in tabletop, and/or adding an abdominal curl.

3. Leg press

This is one of the foundation moves in reformer Pilates. Without the footbar to put the feet on, you can lie on a mat and place your legs in tabletop, then try to keep the pelvis level as you tap one foot down on the mat at a time. You must engage your core muscles for this to be effective and safe. Add difficulty by straightening the leg each time it lowers, or lifting up the head and chest.

4. Reformer row

Again, wrapping a resistance band around a fixed object will allow a row type movement to be performed. The reformer works well by challenging the core, so to get the same benefits, stand on an unstable surface (BOSU, cushion, one leg stand) or complete a squat at the same time, with your core muscles active.

5. Scooter

This exercise involves one leg firmly on the floor and the other on the carriage, pushing it back against resistance and challenging the gluteal muscles on both sides. Without a reformer, arabesques are a nice way to work these muscles. Stand on one leg, hands on hips and lower your chest/lift your back leg at the same time, so that you feel it working all of the stabilisers of your stance leg. Rise up and repeat.

NEXT: Looking for more home workouts? Try this 20-minute workout today.





from Fitness

At-home full body shred workout

Heading to the gym during the cold and dark winter mornings is about as enticing as a dentist appointment. To help keep the winter blues at bay and maintain your shape, try this sweat sesh courtesy of 360 Health personal trainer and physiotherapist Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson (@swedishalex) – all from the comfort of your own home.




Photography: Athletic Agencies, Miles Muecke.


This workout will not only result in a surge of endorphins with its high-intensity efforts, but will also save you some serious coin, requiring only a chair to complete.

The workout is organised into five supersets (performing two exercises back to back), followed by a short rest. This form of training is quick and efficient – maximising results while minimising the impact on your busy lifestyle. Target muscle groups including your booty, arms and core, while the supersets ensure your heart rate is kept high for maximum fat burn.

Get it done


Perform your warm-up before moving onto superset 1. Once both exercises of the supersets have been completed, rest for 30 seconds. Then move on to superset 2, and so forth until all five supersets are complete.

»Rest for as long as you need at the end of the circuit, before moving onto the next round.

»For beginners, I recommend performing 2 rounds in total, intermediate 3 to 4 rounds, and for advanced 5 rounds.

Good luck!



This warm-up will prepare your body for the workout ahead, making it more efficient and safe.




Jog on the spot for 1 minute and then perform 10 bodyweight squats x 2 sets

Forward dynamic lunges x 20 and then perform 10 push-ups (knees or toes) x 2 sets








Jump squats x 15






Stand with feet hip-width apart and brace your core. Sink your hips back and down into a squat position, swinging your arms back at the same time. Drive your body upwards through the legs, jumping high up in the air while extending your arms overhead. Keep squatting and jumping in a fast, smooth motion.


Push-up to Side Plank x 16




This exercise can be performed on your knees (beginners) or toes (advanced). With your abs braced, perform a push-up, taking your chest to elbow level and pressing up again. Turn your body sideways into a side plank, lifting the hips and reaching up. Come back to centre, and repeat on the other side.








Step-up onto chair / lunge back combination x 15 each leg




Place your right foot in the middle of the chair seat. Thrust your body up, lifting your left knee. Step down and lunge back with your right leg. At the bottom of your lunge you should ideally have a 90 degree angle in both knees, and your front thigh parallel to the floor. Repeat 15 times, and then change legs.


Dips off chair




To set up, place your hands shoulder-width apart behind you with fingers pointing forward. Lift your chest and take your hips off the chair. Bend and extend the elbows, keeping your hips close to the chair throughout. Try squeezing your elbows in towards each other to engage your triceps even more.






Bulgarian lunges with foot on chair x 15




Place the top of your foot on the edge of the chair seat. Jump forward until you are about a metre away from the chair. Brace your abdominals and lift your chest proud. Bend your standing leg deeply, dropping the back knee straight down towards the floor, performing a Bulgarian lunge. Press up again through the heel of your standing leg.


Hover / plank combination x 16




This exercise can be performed on your knees (beginners) or toes (advanced). Start in a hover position, resting on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders and abs braced. Press up onto your hands into a high plank position. Return to your forearms again. The trick is to keep your hips as still and stable as possible as you move between the two positions.







Hip bridge hold with alternating leg lift x 10




Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips up as high as possible by squeezing your glutes. Interlace your hands underneath you, pressing your arms into the floor and enabling you to lift higher into your hip bridge. If your mobility prevents you from interlacing your fingers, your arms can rest on the floor by your sides. This is your starting position. Lift one knee up in the air, extend the leg, bend again and then slowly return to the starting position. Keep your hips square and still throughout. Alternate sides.


Fireflies with push-up combination x 10




The foundation of this exercise is a push-up on knees (beginners) or toes (advanced). As you execute your push-up, bring your knee to your elbow at the bottom of your range. Return to the starting position. Keep your abs tight and your whole body straight and strong like a plank.








Supine plank hold (modified table top pose) x 30 sec




Come into a seated position with your legs extended in front of you on the floor. Place your hands by your hips, fingers pointing outwards. Press through your hands and shoulders, lifting your chest proud. Lift your hips and legs up as high as you can. Try pressing the soles of your feet towards the floor.


Double leg extension / crunch combination x 15




Extend your legs out to 45 degrees and stretch your arms behind your head while pressing your lower back down towards the floor. Then, crunch up curling your knees towards your chest and reaching your arms towards your feet. Repeat. If the exercise is too demanding on your lower back, lift your legs higher than 45 degrees on the extension to take the pressure off.





from Fitness