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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Diet. Afficher tous les articles

10 Easy Ways to Slash Sugar from Your Diet

Sugar is added to almost everything on the shelves of grocery stores. Slash your intake with these tips and tricks.
Cut the sweetness
10 Easy Ways to Slash Sugar from Your Diet
You can not be eaten Oreo cookies or greedy roller cans of Coca-Cola, but that does not mean the absence of sugar from your diet. You're probably eating sugar all day without realizing it, Thomsen said Amari, RD, owner of the consulting firm headquartered in Chicago Chic Chicago Coma nutrition.Sugar to foods that are not even know all that candy, like bread, condiments and sauces added. He added that the American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than six teaspoons of sugar a day (about 100 calories), most of us take for duplicate. (A note :. We talk about sugar, no natural sugars found in dairy products and fruits added) A diet high in sugar increases your chances of tooth decay, heart disease and diabetes, not to mention weight gain . Slash your sugar intake now with these 10 tips from the experts.