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Healthy, nutrient boosting smoothies

Get your daily dose of nutrients with one of these healthy smoothies, each unique and delicious in their own way.

HERO: Matcha (powdered green tea)

TIP: Unlike many ingredients with weight loss claims, green tea won’t overstimulate your adrenal glands.

If your goal is fat loss, a low-energy smoothie (500 to 750 kJ) is ideal. A smoothie with a low GI level, and high protein and fibre counts, will keep blood glucose levels steady and promote satiety, curbing your hunger for longer than a high GI snack or meal. As a base, try green tea, which has been found to assist with weight control. “Green tea increases general health and improves body weight by increasing the metabolism and the body’s ability to burn fat,” says Dr Joanna McMillan, resident dietitian at NuYu. A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that green tea extract was found to boost energy expenditure by around four per cent for each 24 hours.

What you'll need
Matcha, or green tea powder, makes a great base for fat loss smoothies. The high-protein, low carb merits of natural yoghurt keep conversion to glucose under control to stave off recurrent hunger, while chia seeds add fibre for digestive health and satiety. For a great fat loss smoothie idea try:
•    1 tsp of matcha green tea powder
•    ½ cup of ice
•    ½ cup skim milk
•    ½ cup natural yoghurt
•    1 tsp chia seeds soaked in 60ml of water


HERO: Coffee

TIP: To make caffeine smoothies work double time, try one before a workout, as it can help to stimulate lipolysis, or release of fat from cells.
Caffeine tends to get a bad rap for sending alertness soaring before leaving you groggy as the adenosine receptors hijacked by the drug once again connect with sleepiness substance adenosine. Yet Dr McMillan says that caffeine can be beneficial for a quick energy boost. “An espresso-based smoothie can provide a really effective energy boost, increasing your exercise level and brain performance,” she says. Caffeine can also temporarily raise your resting energy expenditure (REE), meaning you can burn more calories while doing zilch. Just don’t be seduced by commercial or café iced coffees, which are often loaded with sugary syrup and lack the nutrient profile of an espresso smoothie.

What you'll need
Cycle through different coffees until you find one that starts a party in your mouth. Experiment with different bean types, roasts and origins – there are literally hundreds of varieties.
•    1 ½ cups ice
•    ½ cup cooled coffee
•    ½ cup skim milk
•    1 tsp honey
•    ½  banana

Before a workout, Dr McMillan recommends a banana smoothie made with a base of slow-release protein such as casein. Unlike whey protein, casein digests slowly, providing a steady supply of amino acids to sustain a workout. Carbs are also on the menu pre-workout according to Dr McMillan. Eating carbohydrates before exercise has been shown to increase available energy, enabling higher-intensity exercise. For recovery in the half hour following a gym session, however, switch to a whey protein smoothie, which will rush amino acids for recovery into your muscles.

HERO: Casein

TIP: To get the energy perks without potential gym-nausea, make sure the drink has left your stomach before you start training. Keep fat content low with minimal fibre, as fibre slows the rate at which your stomach empties.

What you'll need
•    1 ripe banana
•    1 cup skim milk
•    ¼ cup plain natural yoghurt
•    1 tbsp honey
•    ¼ tsp ground cinnamon


HERO: Coconut water

TIP: Add a slow-release carbohydrate such as mango to help stabilise your blood glucose.
If you wake up feeling seedy, a dash of coconut water may help. Coconut water contains five essential electrolytes, including potassium, to restore the toasted body’s water balance. Its lauric acid can also help with stomach cramps.

What you'll need
•    2 cups unsweetened coconut water
•    2 cups ripe mango (or frozen)
•    2–3 tbsp fresh lime juice
•    ½ cup of ice
•    2 sprigs fresh mint

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Photo: iStock





Source : Diet & Nutrition