
Strengthening shoulder workout

For all the girls carrying the world on their shoulders, Karey Northington provides an epic upper body circuit designed to build strength and create some serious shape.


The why


This workout is a fantastically efficient time saver that hits the deltoid from multiple angles, creating beautifully sculpted shoulders. Using dumbbells, the body bar and the plate help vary the muscles used and make the workout convenient to do almost anywhere. With today’s busy schedules, it’s crucial to have at-home options that save a trip to the gym.

The do

Complete 12 reps of each exercise one after the other, with little to no rest in between. Begin with two rounds, working your way up to four rounds as you become stronger and fitter. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between each round. 


Model/Workout: Karey Northington //

Photography: James Patrick //





Front raise with body bar





Start by holding the body bar with a pronated grip and hands shoulder width apart, elbows slightly bent. Raise bar to chin height engaging anterior deltoid. Control bar back to start position. 





Dumbbell shoulder press



Lift dumbbells and rotate hands so palms are facing up. Start with dumbbells even with your ears and press overhead without letting the dumbbells touch. Return to start position and repeat.





Dumbbell lateral raise



Hold dumbbells at sides, palms facing your body and elbows slightly bent. Raise arms leading with your elbow and small finger to shoulder height. Lower slowly to starting position and repeat.





Bus driver



Holding a plate on each side, raise to chin height and rotate plate from side to side. Lower and repeat.

Tip: challenge yourself by doing 12 front raises alone with the plate to pre-fatigue the muscles, and then holding the plate in the top position to complete reps rotating the plate. 





Low plank to high plank



Start in a low plank position on your forearms, with your feet shoulder width apart and your lower back flat. Push your body up into a high plank position, first onto your right hand then onto your left. Lower yourself back down to the low plank position one arm at a time.  Repeat, alternating which arm pushes up first.





from Fitness

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