
Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas on Going After Your Dreams and Beauty Product Faves

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

The Rio Olympic Games are just a few short months away, so we were thrilled when we got the chance to sit down with Gabby Douglas. Yes, the would be the Olympic gymnast and Gillette Venus athlete who won gold in London back in 2012 in both the individual and team competitions.

Obvi, it was hard not to fangirl.

Gabby (who was rocking some amazing glittery eyeshadow, we might add) joined us with her mom, where we talked all about P&G’s new Thank You Mom video, “Strong,” beauty lessons, and fave products.

Btw, when I watched the video, I had a hard time holding back the tears. For Gabby, it got her thinking about the role that confidence plays in her sport and how her mom gave her strength to go after her dreams.

“When I watched the video, it brought me back to London, and I remember I had hard times and those hard days where I had to call my mom and be like, ‘Mom, I can’t do this anymore’ and she was like, ‘You got it! You can do it!’ She’s literally taught me everything that I know today and to go out there and be confident,” Gabby tells us. “I think that’s what the video is all about — being strong and confident and the mom is there to uplift you.”

So, in true Mother’s Day fashion, I had to ask Gabby what her mother taught her about confidence and beauty. The lessons are grand.

“Just to go out there and get what you want. Nothing in life is ever handed to you. You got to go out and you got to grab it. You can’t let these opportunities waste away and slip by,” she says. “You have to take every single one of them.”

As for her mom’s best beauty advice?

“I just think [she taught me] to be comfortable in your own skin and embrace your features and love who you are.”

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And for all of you who want to know Gabby’s favorite beauty products (because this girl always looks amazing), you’ll be psyched to know she swears by a product you’ve probably seen in your local drugstore and couldn’t be more appropriate for summer.

It’s the Gillette Venus Swirl ($13;, a razor that curves and moves around so you can get those tricky areas. Idk about you, but I hate when I notice I’ve missed a random patch of hair around my ankles halfway through the day. Most. Annoying. Thing. Ever.

Gabby explained to me that it’s a game-changing essential, and it will make me look forward to shaving my legs. “Literally, this moves like no other,” she says of the razor that gives her what she says is a “sleek-finish” look.

“Especially for me, and I’m out there in a leotard and there’s HD cameras. I got to look good!”

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She said that on top of her grips and makeup, it’s always in her gym bag.

Into it. Thanks for the summer beauty tip, Gabby!

This article originally appeared on

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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