
Chocolate mint smoothie recipe

Get your protein fix with this chocolate mint smoothie courtesy of our friends at Activated Nutrients. 

Ingredients (makes one smoothie)

  • 1 scoop Activated Nutrients Daily Protein Raw Cacao
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1 cup milk of choice (almond, soy, dairy, etc.)
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 10 mint leaves (plus a few more to garnish)
  • 1 tbsp cacao nibs to garnish (optional but does add a brilliant crunch!)


1. Blitz all ingredients (except garnish mint and cacao nibs) in blender until smooth.

2. Pour into glass and garnish with mint leaves and a sprinkling of cacao nibs.


NUTRITION (per serve)

Protein: 21g // Fat: 10.5g // Carbs: 40g // Calories: 290





Source : Diet & Nutrition

8 post-workout meal ideas


Studies show that proper nutrient timing can benefit workout recovery, muscle growth, athletic potential and body composition. Here, accredited sports dietitian, Jessica Spendlove shares her top post-workout meals.




  • Poached eggs with grilled ham off the bone, avocado and two slices of wholegrain or spelt toast.
  • 200 grams of Greek yoghurt (Chobani) with half or one cup of oats, and some berries and sliced almonds.
  • A breakfast smoothie consisting of your milk of choice, a couple of scoops of Greek yoghurt, a frozen banana, sprinkle of cinnamon and half a cup of oats.


  • Between 150-200 grams of salmon or chicken with 200 grams of sweet potato and as many steamed greens as you like.
  • Between 150-200 gram of lean protein with one cup of brown rice and a side salad.


  • A frozen fruit smoothie with your milk of choice, nut butter and Greek yoghurt.
  • 200 grams of Greek yoghurt with sliced fruit and nuts.
  • A protein shake made with a base of your choice (water, coconut water or milk) and a piece of fruit to provide fibre.

NEXT: Not sure what protein to go for? Read all about them here.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Strengthening shoulder workout

For all the girls carrying the world on their shoulders, Karey Northington provides an epic upper body circuit designed to build strength and create some serious shape.


The why


This workout is a fantastically efficient time saver that hits the deltoid from multiple angles, creating beautifully sculpted shoulders. Using dumbbells, the body bar and the plate help vary the muscles used and make the workout convenient to do almost anywhere. With today’s busy schedules, it’s crucial to have at-home options that save a trip to the gym.

The do

Complete 12 reps of each exercise one after the other, with little to no rest in between. Begin with two rounds, working your way up to four rounds as you become stronger and fitter. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between each round. 


Model/Workout: Karey Northington //

Photography: James Patrick //





Front raise with body bar





Start by holding the body bar with a pronated grip and hands shoulder width apart, elbows slightly bent. Raise bar to chin height engaging anterior deltoid. Control bar back to start position. 





Dumbbell shoulder press



Lift dumbbells and rotate hands so palms are facing up. Start with dumbbells even with your ears and press overhead without letting the dumbbells touch. Return to start position and repeat.





Dumbbell lateral raise



Hold dumbbells at sides, palms facing your body and elbows slightly bent. Raise arms leading with your elbow and small finger to shoulder height. Lower slowly to starting position and repeat.





Bus driver



Holding a plate on each side, raise to chin height and rotate plate from side to side. Lower and repeat.

Tip: challenge yourself by doing 12 front raises alone with the plate to pre-fatigue the muscles, and then holding the plate in the top position to complete reps rotating the plate. 





Low plank to high plank



Start in a low plank position on your forearms, with your feet shoulder width apart and your lower back flat. Push your body up into a high plank position, first onto your right hand then onto your left. Lower yourself back down to the low plank position one arm at a time.  Repeat, alternating which arm pushes up first.





from Fitness

Top stress management techniques


Learn how to cope with stress by eating healthy and taking a closer look at your nutrition.


“The right diet is crucial for managing stress,” says health coach and wellness blogger Nic Makim. “Eat regularly and consume yoghurt and low-fat milk to boost your calcium levels and settle your nerves. If you have an intolerance to dairy, make sure you’re getting enough calcium and magnesium from other food sources. Chamomile tea is an age-old tonic to relax and soothe – you may also want to consult a naturopath about herbal support to help decrease the impact of stress on your brain and body.”

Eating right will supercharge your body’s natural immune and healing systems, and exercising regularly goes a long way too. Breathing, meditation and visualisation exercises can help you let go of anxieties, and there is strong evidence to suggest that yoga therapy and meditation help reduce stress and its associated symptoms.

A 2014 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that mindful meditation can help ease psychological stresses such as anxiety, depression and fatigue, and therapeutic yoga programs were also shown to reduce markers of stress and inflammation.

More importantly, recognise that some stress is inevitable.

“If you have unproductive worries, try to remember that as much as we may strive to, we are never going to rid our lives of stress entirely,” says Dr Lishman. “Stress is a vital part of being alive. In fact, without feeling stressed now and again, we would be so carefree and blasé about everything that we would have been killed off years ago! It’s not stress itself that matters; it’s what you do with it that counts.”

The symptoms that we associate with a stressful lifestyle such as sleep deprivation, social isolation, weight gain and major depression are all associated with higher rates of heart disease. It is clear, therefore, that finding effective stress management strategies is essential to our overall health and wellbeing.


However, don’t stress about it! Just concentrate on the following:

  • eat nourishing foods to meet the nutritional demands of the body
  • exercise regularly to naturally reduce your cortisol levels
  • unplug from digital devices when you need to chill out
  • pay active attention to your emotions
  • distinguish between problem-solving thoughts and the unproductive ones that simply make your mind race faster
  • disengage, but don’t detach from your feelings

Find a balance between rest and activity, and create a maintainable chill-out routine for when you get home to prioritise calm and relaxation.

“Tuning in to your beautiful body is always at the top of my agenda with all my clients,” says Makim. “I’m also loving this whole mindfulness trend at the moment. Less judgement and negativity and more acceptance and appreciation go a long way towards managing stress and life in general.”   

In other words, when you’re stressed you’re unable to function at your full potential, so make time for yourself. We can’t stress that strongly enough.





Source Health & Beauty

Raw caramel slice with ‘shortbread’ base

Whether your sweet tooth needs a 3 pm fix or you’re looking for something delicious to serve the gals over afternoon tea, we’ve got you sorted.

This low-sugar caramel slice courtesy of Health Synergy is a refined sugar-free and vegan alternative that’s just as tasty (if not more) as the high-sugar version.


Ingredients (makes 12)

  • Shortbread
  • ½ cup buckinis, ground to a flour
  • ¼ cup cashews, ground to a flour
  • ⅓ cup desiccated coconut
  • 2½ tbsp coconut butter or coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tbsp coconut nectar
  • 2–3 tbsp boiling water


  • 1 cup medjool dates, pitted (soak in warm water for a few minutes to soften)
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • ¼ cup coconut butter or coconut oil, melted
  • ¼ cup hot water
  • 1 tbsp hulled tahini
  • 1 tbsp mesquite powder, optional
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean powder
  • ¼ tsp Himalayan salt


  • 100 grams raw dark chocolate (we use Loving Earth 85%)


1. Combine all base ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix well until it starts to stick together (it is easiest to use your hands to make sure it is well combined).

2. Press into the base of a greased and lined baking tray and place in the fridge while you make the caramel.

3. Combine all caramel ingredients in a high-power blender, blend until smooth and creamy.

4. Spoon on top of the base, spreading evenly.

5. Place in the freezer for 2–3 hours or until fairly firm.

6. Using a double saucepan, melt dark chocolate in a shallow saucepan and spread melted chocolate on top of the caramel.

7. Return to fridge for another 10–15 minutes to allow chocolate to set.

8. Using a sharp knife, cut into small slices, serve and enjoy.




Source : Diet & Nutrition