Give your whole body a strength and cardio workout in one with Ashley Azevedo's resistance band workout.
The workout
Circuit training simply means performing exercises back to back with little to no rest in between. Its elevator pitch is maximum perks in minimum time. Due to the fast-paced nature of circuit training, it elevates heart rate and couples cardio and strength training.
Even if you’re solely a weights girl, resistance bands are a great way to keep your body guessing and prevent plateaus. The resistance, reps and number of circuits can all be varied to meet your goals and fitness level.
What you need to do
Consider the list a sequence, not an a la carte menu. Perform a set (10 to 15 reps) of the first exercise and move immediately to the second exercise. Perform one set and move immediately to the third exercise and so on. Keep rests as short as possible. After you complete one full circuit, rest for about 60 seconds and start again. Available time and current fitness level will determine how many cycles you do, but aim for one to five.
(Fit tip: Don’t try to do too much too soon. It’s false economy.) Make sure you warm up the muscles you’ll use before any workout and cool down and stretch out afterwards to avoid injury and consult your doctor before starting any new training regimen.
Targets: Biceps, Delts

Perks: This compound movement allows multiple muscle groups to be worked with one exercise, making it time efficient and adding to the difficulty of your workout. Sculpt the arms with this two-in-one exercise.
Move: Stand with both feet on top of the band, about hip-width apart.
(Fit Tip: You can control how easy or hard the exercise is by where you stand on the band to create more or less tension.) Start with both arms straight and begin to curl the arms up and towards the chest. Keep your elbows locked at your side. Once you get to the top of your curl, rotate your arms outward and turn your hands so palms are facing away. Press straight up, pause at the top, lower back down and repeat.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
Upright row

Targets: Delts, Biceps, Traps
Perks: sculpts shapely shoulders
Move: Stand with both feet on top of the band, about hip-width apart and criss-cross the bands in each hand to create an ‘X’. Start with your arms down, palms/handles on top of thighs and a slight bend in your elbows. Keep the handles close to your body and pull them straight up towards your chest. Come up until your arms are parallel with the floor, pause for a second at the top, lower back down, and repeat.
(Fit Tip: Be sure that your elbows do not come up higher than 90 degrees, as this puts added strain on the rotator cuff.)
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
Bent over row

Targets: Lats, Rear Delts, Erector Spinae
Perks: Builds a strong, toned back and reinforces proper hip flexion. The bent-over row requires flexion at the hips and not the waist. This is often a strange and difficult position to get into for a beginner, but with practice and constant form checks the position will become second nature. (Fit Tip: Try to work out next to a mirror so you can see your form with every rep and ensure that proper form is being used throughout the entire workout.)
Move: Keep the bands in the same position as the upright row, but hinge your upper body forward at the hips to about a 45-degree angle. Start with your arms hanging down. Keep your elbows tucked close to your body as you pull the band back towards your waist. Pause at the top, lower the arms back down and repeat.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
Glute kick-back

Targets: Glutes, Hamstrings, Core
Perks: Tightens, strengthens and sculpts the backside.
Move: Starting on all fours, place the resistance band under one foot and hold one handle in each hand. Slowly kick back the foot that has the resistance band. Pause at the top and lower the leg back almost to starting position (but don’t drop the knee all the way back to the floor) and repeat.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
Band squat

Targets: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core
Perks: Squats are a compound exercise (using multiple muscle groups) that sculpt the legs and help shape the butt.
Move: Stand on your band with your feet about hip-width apart. (Fit Tip: The width of your stance can vary; find what is most comfortable for you. A wide stance works best for some while others find hip-width most comfortable.) Keep your head and chest up as you lower into a squat position. Return to a standing position and repeat.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
One arm overhead tricep extension

Targets: Triceps
Perks: Isolates, strengthens and tones the triceps (goodbye, wings!)
Move: You’ll only need to grab one handle for this exercise, so step on the band at your desired tension level and let the other handle just stay on the floor. Start with your handle arm straight up overhead. Slowly bend your elbow, bringing the handle down towards your head and your arm into a 90-degree angle. Push up to the start position, pause at the top and repeat the lowering movement.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
Tricep pushdowns

Targets: Triceps
Perks: Allows you to isolate, strengthen and tone the triceps.
Move: Find something sturdy and stable to loop your band around and grab one handle in each hand. Keep a slight bend in your knees and start with your arms in a 90-degree angle. Keep your elbows at your side as you push the handle down until your arms are straight (but don’t lock your elbows). Your forearm should be the only part of your body moving with this exercise – make sure you keep the upper arm steady against your side. Pause for a second at the bottom and repeat.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
Chest flys

Targets: Pecs
Perks: Strengthens and tones the chest muscles (and improves hugging technique)!
Move: Loop your band around a sturdy and stable object. Step one foot out in front of you and grab a handle in each hand, with your arms at chest level. Bring the bands forward so that your arms are straight (but don’t lock your elbows). Slowly return to the start position and repeat. The fly movement is similar to the movement you use when hugging someone.
Words and workout by Ashley Azevedo.
Photography by James Patrick.
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