
What This Interviewer Said About Kate Mara’s Hair Will Shock You

Photo: Courtesy of MIMI/Getty Images; Art: Courtesy of Elysia Berman


If you thought Cara Delevingne’s Paper Towns interview was awkward, you haven’t seen anything yet. Fantastic Four actress Kate Mara recently sat down with Steven J. Rickman and Jason Bailey of Atlanta’s Rock 100.5 Morning Show to promote the movie, and things got really weird really fast.

Bailey started out by asking Mara how she and co-star Michael B. Jordan can play siblings in the movie since they’re different races. Jordan handled the awkward question with poise, informing the morning show host there are a “whole bunch of family dynamics.” You’d think the shock jocks would use that as an opportunity to turn things around, but no—they kept pushing.

“You’re way, way hot,” Rickman said to Mara. “Why’d you cut the hair? Your hair was beautiful.”

Whoa. It’s one thing to ask a legit beauty question (we do it all the time), but it’s quite another to shame someone’s physical appearance under the guise of “journalism” while simultaneously attempting to hit on them. Sorry to break it to you, Rickman, but Mara doesn’t get ready in the morning with YOU in mind!

While the hosts insist they were just being playful and complimentary, the question was beyond patronizing and loaded with sexism. Yes, women (like all humans) enjoy being complimented from time to time—but what Rickman did is tantamount to telling a girl she’d look prettier if she smiled. In a word, unacceptable.

“This is a great interview,” Mara responded sarcastically. Yet, she went on to answer the question as graciously as possible, explaining that she cut her hair for an upcoming movie role. “They asked me to. I’m an actress. I have to be a chameleon,” she said.

But Rickman still wasn’t done pestering Mara, and proceed to gush over the appearance of her toes —yeah, because that‘s relevant to the movie. Her response? “Wow.” I mean, what else can you say?

Watch the interview below and tell us what you think.

This story originally appeared on

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