
7 running tips to improve your stride


There’s more to running than just hitting the pavement. Reduce your risk of injury with these head to toe running tips.

Head: the way you hold your head when you run will determine your posture. Look ahead to where you are running, not down at your feet.

Shoulders: Your shoulders need to stay relaxed; think about dropping them away from your ears. While running you may find they start to creep up towards your ears again and you may start to feel tense. Relax them and shake them out. Your shoulders should remain level and not drop from one side to the other.

Arms: Your hands control the tension in your upper body while your arms and the way they swing work together with your leg stride to drive you forward. Keep your hands unclenched. Your arms should swing forwards and back, not across your body, and between waist and lower chest level. Your elbows should be bent at about 90 degrees.

Torso: The position of your torso is affected by your head and shoulders. If your head and shoulders are in the correct position, your torso and back will naturally straighten to allow you to run in an efficient, upright position that will promote lung capacity and stride length.

Hips: Your hips are your centre of gravity, and are key to good running posture. If you have the right torso position, your hips will follow. They should be pointing straight ahead.

Ankles/Feet: To run well, you need to push off the ground with maximum force. With each step, your foot should hit the ground lightly and land between your heel and mid-foot. Keep your ankle flexed as your foot rolls forward to create more force as you push-off again. As you roll onto your toes, try to spring off the ground. You should feel your calf muscles propelling you forward on each step.

For more training tips check out workouts section and be on your way to a better you.



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