
Mindful chocolate eating


Learn how to eat with intention and avoid the guilt trip with these tips for mindful chocolate eating.


Store Keep chocolate at room temperature. High quality chocolate should never be stored in the refrigerator; in the mouth, cold chocolate does not release the flavours and aromas as quickly as room temperature chocolate. 

Cleanse Before your chocolate fix, eat a piece of apple or small piece of bread to cleanse the palate of other flavours.

Smell Involve your sense of smell, touch and sight in the tasting process. Before eating, look at the chocolate, appreciate the shine and colour. Break off a piece and listen to the sound. High-quality chocolate produces a sharp, crisp sound when it breaks and a clean edge. Rub the chocolate with your fingers  (it should feel smooth), which will start to release the odours and enhance flavour intensity. Smell the chocolate and try to define different aromas. 

Suck Place the chocolate in your mouth and let it melt without chewing (it will melt at 32 degrees Celsius. Let the flavours release and be aware of the flavours (notice whether they’re the same as the ones you smelled). 

Finish Once the chocolate has melted completely, be aware of the ‘finish’. It should not be bitter or unpleasant on the palate. New flavours may emerge.

NEXT: Here's how to avoid mindless eating.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

High-intensity beach workout

 We're loving this high-intensity beach workout by Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson of 360Health! Who's up for the challenge?





Source : WHF TV

Your guide to selecting the best Brazilian wax for you


If you're unfamiliar with Brazilian wax territory, this extensive guide from the team at Brazilian Butterfly with have you prepped for your next appointment.


They offer four distinct types of Brazilian waxes;  the X Brazilian, XX Brazilian, XXX Brazilian and  XXXX Brazilian. It’s a lot of X’s, so let us run you through them:

X Brazilian:

The X Brazilian is also known as the ‘extended bikini wax’ or the ‘bikini line wax.’ We start this treatment by trimming the hair down to keep it nice and neat, from there about 2 fingers from the bikini line and top is waxed. This type of wax is perfect for those receiving their first ever Brazilian wax, or those who prefer a more natural look. The top section of hair can straightened up to leave a ‘landing strip’ or you are welcome to leave the triangular shape. It is up to you!

XX Brazilian:

The XX Brazilian can also be referred to as the ‘g-string wax’ or ‘French wax.’ In this treatment we will again start by trimming the hair, before waxing higher into the sides of the bikini line as well as remove the hair from the bottom. Hair will be left down the labia in a long rectangular shape. This is the ideal choice for a bride-to-be who doesn’t like being completely hairless, or hasn’t had a wax before. It is also quite popular for new mothers, post birth. When this wax is selected, enough hair will be removed that you can wear a g-string or this season’s high cut swimmers without hair showing.

XXX Brazilian:

The XXX Brazilian is the traditional Brazilian wax. In this wax we remove all the hair (including the labia and bottom) except for a floating landing strip, triangle or shape of your choice above the pubic bone. This is the perfect wax for those wanting to leave a small area of hair.

XXXX Brazilian:

The XXXX Brazilian is also known as the ‘all off’ or the ‘Hollywood wax.’ This wax will see all the hair removed from the pubic region including the bottom. This is the most popular service at Brazilian Butterfly.

Whether you prefer having no hair at all, or prefer to leave a little something, there is no right or wrong decision when choosing which Brazilian wax is for you. It’s all about what makes you feel most comfortable in your own skin. If you are unsure of the best Brazilian for you, then have a chat with your BB therapist, they will be able to guide you to the best option for your preferences.

If you are ready to book in for your next Brazilian, or want to have a chat with one of our therapists you can book online or contact your nearest salon.

Brazilian Butterfly are proud sponsors of the Women's Health and Fitness magazine Cover Model Competition 2017.

Head over to the Brazilian Butterfly blog for more tips and tricks.




Source Health & Beauty

Fat burning upper body workout

Skip the queue for fat loss with this strategic workout by March 2017 cover model Claudia Jovanoski.


Words/workout: Claudia Jovanovski (pictured)

Photography: James Patrick


Time-poor gymmers are all too familiar with supersetting to save time. Pushing out two moves successively with little or no rest between is among the best fitness hacks going – especially for impatient types. 

Tri-sets step things up again, running together three fatiguing moves, meaning the workout is performed at high intensity for a shorter duration than standard circuits. 

According to a study at the Catholic University of Brasilia and the Eastern Illinois University, multiple sets (MS) and tri-sets (TS) were found to impact neuromuscular variables and body composition. 

The results of the study indicate that a multi-set regimen burns more body fat than circuit-like training. 

In tri-sets, the usual rest period between sets is used to complete a set of another move.

Research also shows that the hormonal response to such unrelenting exertion favours optimal muscle growth (which in the real world equals tone and a faster metabolism).

You can either pair exercises that are noncompeting (i.e. work opposing muscle groups), or you can pair exercises that target the same muscle group.

The downside of this fast, furious method is a power penalty, which reduces the amount of resistance you can use and hence limits potential for strength gains. 

While some experts claim that staggering moves with opposing muscle group pairings circumvents this risk, the nervous system’s response to this training method necessarily inhibits power. Most experts maintain that classic training is best for strength goals. 

For more advanced users, tri-sets can be combined with classic sets by incorporating one or two strength moves performed classically (with or without intervening moves that keep the body moving without inviting fatigue). 

This workout uses sprints, so factor that in, whether you want to do a bike sprint in the gym or a dash on the track.

On your marks, get set…

1. Russian kettlebell swing





Targets: quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abs

Step 1- Stand with feet hip width apart and your toes slightly pointed away from the body. The kettlebell should be in the middle of your feet.

Step 2-Bend your hips back until the bell is between and behind your legs.

Step 3- Activate your glutes and drive through your hips to swing the kettlebell forward. Extend your hips and knee to get a thrust going. 

Step 4-Make sure this is a repetitive movement to ensure you get a good rhythm going.





2. Bicep curl






Step 1- Set up position-  Stand up right with barbell at shoulder-width grip. Keep your elbows close to your body and your palms supinated.

Step 2. Keep your core activated as you curl the bar towards your shoulders. Your upper arms should remain stationary as the forearms move.

Step 3. Pause at the top with biceps contracted.

Step 4. As you release the barbell back to the original position make sure to keep your abs tight to stabilize the body


3. One-minute sprint 60 to 90-second recovery. Repeat.



4. Kettlebell squat




Targets: quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abs

Step 1- Set up position: feet should be slightly wider than your hips and  your feet should be turned out at a 45 degree angle. Keep your core engaged, your back straight and your eyes on the horizon. Hold the kettlebell infront of your body.

Step 2. Bend your knees and move your butt towards the ground as if you are about to sit on a chair. Your hips should move slightly back and the goal is to try get the kettlebell as close to the floor without actually touching it.

Return to the set up position by driving up through your heels. Remember to squeeze your glutes at the top.

Repeat 12 to 15 reps





5. Kettlebell Romanian deadlift




Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, quads

Step 1- Set up position – Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the kettlebell with both hands and let it hang in front. Draw the navel towards your spine to support your back.

Step 2- Slowly bend forward by moving your bum back and bending at the hips. The aim is to bring the kettlebell just below the knee. While performing each repetition, Make sure you should have a slight knee bend, and keep kettlebell close to body and your core tight.

Step 3. Return to the set up position by driving through your hips.  Squeeze your glutes at the top of every repetition.


6. One-minute sprint


60 to 90-second recovery. Repeat.



NEXT: Looking for more workouts? Check out our range of workouts here.



from Fitness

Peanut butter cup recipe


These peanut butter cups are so simple to create, they make the perfect sweet treat, without the guilt.



» 200 g dark chocolate (80%+)

» 4 cups organic peanut butter

» 4 tbsp coconut oil 

» Muffin tin with 12 cupcake liners. 


Melt chocolate in pan, add coconut oil, stir. Add peanut butter to the melted mix. Pour the mix into the liners and put it the freezer for 30 minutes until hard then serve. If you would like to eat it later, move the tin to the refrigerator. If then it becomes too soft, move to freezer for 5 minutes before serving.

Recipe by Claudia Klein.




Source : Diet & Nutrition