
Your guide to selecting the best Brazilian wax for you


If you're unfamiliar with Brazilian wax territory, this extensive guide from the team at Brazilian Butterfly with have you prepped for your next appointment.


They offer four distinct types of Brazilian waxes;  the X Brazilian, XX Brazilian, XXX Brazilian and  XXXX Brazilian. It’s a lot of X’s, so let us run you through them:

X Brazilian:

The X Brazilian is also known as the ‘extended bikini wax’ or the ‘bikini line wax.’ We start this treatment by trimming the hair down to keep it nice and neat, from there about 2 fingers from the bikini line and top is waxed. This type of wax is perfect for those receiving their first ever Brazilian wax, or those who prefer a more natural look. The top section of hair can straightened up to leave a ‘landing strip’ or you are welcome to leave the triangular shape. It is up to you!

XX Brazilian:

The XX Brazilian can also be referred to as the ‘g-string wax’ or ‘French wax.’ In this treatment we will again start by trimming the hair, before waxing higher into the sides of the bikini line as well as remove the hair from the bottom. Hair will be left down the labia in a long rectangular shape. This is the ideal choice for a bride-to-be who doesn’t like being completely hairless, or hasn’t had a wax before. It is also quite popular for new mothers, post birth. When this wax is selected, enough hair will be removed that you can wear a g-string or this season’s high cut swimmers without hair showing.

XXX Brazilian:

The XXX Brazilian is the traditional Brazilian wax. In this wax we remove all the hair (including the labia and bottom) except for a floating landing strip, triangle or shape of your choice above the pubic bone. This is the perfect wax for those wanting to leave a small area of hair.

XXXX Brazilian:

The XXXX Brazilian is also known as the ‘all off’ or the ‘Hollywood wax.’ This wax will see all the hair removed from the pubic region including the bottom. This is the most popular service at Brazilian Butterfly.

Whether you prefer having no hair at all, or prefer to leave a little something, there is no right or wrong decision when choosing which Brazilian wax is for you. It’s all about what makes you feel most comfortable in your own skin. If you are unsure of the best Brazilian for you, then have a chat with your BB therapist, they will be able to guide you to the best option for your preferences.

If you are ready to book in for your next Brazilian, or want to have a chat with one of our therapists you can book online or contact your nearest salon.

Brazilian Butterfly are proud sponsors of the Women's Health and Fitness magazine Cover Model Competition 2017.

Head over to the Brazilian Butterfly blog for more tips and tricks.




Source Health & Beauty

Fat burning upper body workout

Skip the queue for fat loss with this strategic workout by March 2017 cover model Claudia Jovanoski.


Words/workout: Claudia Jovanovski (pictured)

Photography: James Patrick


Time-poor gymmers are all too familiar with supersetting to save time. Pushing out two moves successively with little or no rest between is among the best fitness hacks going – especially for impatient types. 

Tri-sets step things up again, running together three fatiguing moves, meaning the workout is performed at high intensity for a shorter duration than standard circuits. 

According to a study at the Catholic University of Brasilia and the Eastern Illinois University, multiple sets (MS) and tri-sets (TS) were found to impact neuromuscular variables and body composition. 

The results of the study indicate that a multi-set regimen burns more body fat than circuit-like training. 

In tri-sets, the usual rest period between sets is used to complete a set of another move.

Research also shows that the hormonal response to such unrelenting exertion favours optimal muscle growth (which in the real world equals tone and a faster metabolism).

You can either pair exercises that are noncompeting (i.e. work opposing muscle groups), or you can pair exercises that target the same muscle group.

The downside of this fast, furious method is a power penalty, which reduces the amount of resistance you can use and hence limits potential for strength gains. 

While some experts claim that staggering moves with opposing muscle group pairings circumvents this risk, the nervous system’s response to this training method necessarily inhibits power. Most experts maintain that classic training is best for strength goals. 

For more advanced users, tri-sets can be combined with classic sets by incorporating one or two strength moves performed classically (with or without intervening moves that keep the body moving without inviting fatigue). 

This workout uses sprints, so factor that in, whether you want to do a bike sprint in the gym or a dash on the track.

On your marks, get set…

1. Russian kettlebell swing





Targets: quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abs

Step 1- Stand with feet hip width apart and your toes slightly pointed away from the body. The kettlebell should be in the middle of your feet.

Step 2-Bend your hips back until the bell is between and behind your legs.

Step 3- Activate your glutes and drive through your hips to swing the kettlebell forward. Extend your hips and knee to get a thrust going. 

Step 4-Make sure this is a repetitive movement to ensure you get a good rhythm going.





2. Bicep curl






Step 1- Set up position-  Stand up right with barbell at shoulder-width grip. Keep your elbows close to your body and your palms supinated.

Step 2. Keep your core activated as you curl the bar towards your shoulders. Your upper arms should remain stationary as the forearms move.

Step 3. Pause at the top with biceps contracted.

Step 4. As you release the barbell back to the original position make sure to keep your abs tight to stabilize the body


3. One-minute sprint 60 to 90-second recovery. Repeat.



4. Kettlebell squat




Targets: quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, abs

Step 1- Set up position: feet should be slightly wider than your hips and  your feet should be turned out at a 45 degree angle. Keep your core engaged, your back straight and your eyes on the horizon. Hold the kettlebell infront of your body.

Step 2. Bend your knees and move your butt towards the ground as if you are about to sit on a chair. Your hips should move slightly back and the goal is to try get the kettlebell as close to the floor without actually touching it.

Return to the set up position by driving up through your heels. Remember to squeeze your glutes at the top.

Repeat 12 to 15 reps





5. Kettlebell Romanian deadlift




Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, quads

Step 1- Set up position – Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the kettlebell with both hands and let it hang in front. Draw the navel towards your spine to support your back.

Step 2- Slowly bend forward by moving your bum back and bending at the hips. The aim is to bring the kettlebell just below the knee. While performing each repetition, Make sure you should have a slight knee bend, and keep kettlebell close to body and your core tight.

Step 3. Return to the set up position by driving through your hips.  Squeeze your glutes at the top of every repetition.


6. One-minute sprint


60 to 90-second recovery. Repeat.



NEXT: Looking for more workouts? Check out our range of workouts here.



from Fitness

Peanut butter cup recipe


These peanut butter cups are so simple to create, they make the perfect sweet treat, without the guilt.



» 200 g dark chocolate (80%+)

» 4 cups organic peanut butter

» 4 tbsp coconut oil 

» Muffin tin with 12 cupcake liners. 


Melt chocolate in pan, add coconut oil, stir. Add peanut butter to the melted mix. Pour the mix into the liners and put it the freezer for 30 minutes until hard then serve. If you would like to eat it later, move the tin to the refrigerator. If then it becomes too soft, move to freezer for 5 minutes before serving.

Recipe by Claudia Klein.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Chocolate chip cookie dough smoothie


Healthy protein smoothies have never looked so easy! Try this delicious chocolate chip cookie dough smoothie today.



  • 1  frozen banana
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp butter extract
  • 1 tbsp cacao nibs
  • ½ cup ice

Optional Toppings:

  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Protein Bar pieces
  • Clean dark chocolate sauce (unsweetened dark cocoa powder + water + stevia)


First blend all Need, except cacao nibs, until smooth. Add cacao nibs and blend for several more seconds. Garnish with chocolate sauce and enjoy!

NEXT: Looking for more protein smoothie recipes? Try this black forest protein smoothie.





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Brooke Stacey's total body workout

Get your heart rate pumping with this total body workout by February 2017 cover model Brooke Stacey.



This total body workout is as much about balance and coordination training as it is about building strength. This means you not only train the whole body, but you also make your entire body a stronger and more cohesively functioning machine. Try to put as much power as you can behind each compound movement to get your heart pumping.


Words/workout: Brooke Stacey (pictured)

Photography: James Patrick


Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps in each set (or on each leg).

Step-Up with overhead press



1.Stand on the floor behind your step with weights held at your sides.

2. Step right foot on to bench and squeeze glute of back leg as it lifts behind you. While body is lifting up, press weights overhead.

3.  Step down to start position and lower weights back to sides. Switch feet and repeat.

NEXT: Walking Lunge with Bicep Curl



Walking lunge with bicep curl





1. Stand upright, feet together, holding a dumbbell by your sides.

2. Take a controlled step forward with your left leg, keeping your elbows close to the body.  Lower hips toward the floor and bend both knees (almost at 90-degree angles). The back knee should come close but never touch the ground. Your front knee should be directly over the ankle, and the back knee should be pointing down toward the floor.

3. Push off with your right foot and bring it forward, raising your leg, curling the dumbbells to your shoulders, then lowering the dumbbells to your side. This completes 1 rep.

4. Next, step forward and repeat with the right leg.

NEXT: Dumbbell squat to shoulder press




Dumbbell squat to shoulder press



1. Begin in a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand. Look directly forward, keep your chest up, and place your feet about shoulder-width apart.


2. Initiate the movement with a squat, flexing the knees and hips to lower your body. Descend as far as flexibility allows, maintaining good posture in the spine, hips and knees.

3. Pause for a brief moment at the bottom of the squat before returning to a standing position by extending the hips and knees.

4. After fully rising to a standing position, press the weights overhead by extending the elbows and flexing at the shoulder.

5. Return the weights to the shoulder before repeating the entire movement for additional repetitions.

NEXT: Dumbbell side lunge



Dumbbell side lunge



1. Stand erect with your feet about shoulder-width apart, holding a pair of lightweight dumbbells together in front of you, palms facing in. Your chest should be out, shoulders back, and knees unlocked. Maintain the natural curvature in your back.


2. Facing forward throughout and staying as upright as possible, take a big step out to your side, angling your foot just slightly out. Descend into a moderately deep squat, keeping your trailing leg straight.

3. Push back up and bring your leg back to the start position. 

4. Repeat on the opposite side.


NEXT: Single-Dumbbell Front Lunge to Back Row

Single-dumbbell front lunge to back row



1. Stand upright with a dumbbell held in your right hand at your side and your feet about hip-width apart.

2. From the starting position, lunge forward with your left foot, dropping down through your back knee and thigh, and being careful not to let your front knee come ahead of your toe. Your left foot should be pointing out in front of you, with your left knee bent and your left foot firmly on the ground; your right heel may come up slightly depending on how deep you have lunged.

3. Holding at the bottom of your lunge, incline your chest forward at a 45-degree angle, engaging your centre and keeping your shoulder blades together and back flat. Perform a powerful upright row, bending your right elbow as you pull it quickly straight up and back toward the ceiling, until it is at least level with your back. Contract across your right shoulder blade as you lift, and keep your right arm fairly close to your body – it should travel in a straight rather than arcing line.

4. Bring your arm back down out of the row, straighten your upper body back to vertical, and then push off with your left foot to return to the starting position. Repeat for a set on each leg for the desired number of reps.

NEXT:  Ice Skater



Ice skater





1. Begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. You should be looking directly forward, with your chest up, knees and hips unlocked, and your back straight.

2. Begin the exercise by jumping to the right with a slight bend in your knees.

3. Next, in the same motion, reach down and toward the outside of your right foot with your left hand. Perform this same movement on the opposite side. 

4. Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps.

NEXT:  Single-Leg romanian deadlift



Single-Leg Romanian deadlift



1. Assume a single-leg stance. Hold a dumbbell in the opposite hand of the supporting leg. Keep the back straight and the torso tight. Look straight ahead with the shoulder blades retracted.

2. Lower the upper body by bending at the hip. Keep the back straight.  Lower the dumbbell down the thigh and shin of the supporting leg. Push the hips back and slightly bend the knee during the descent.  

3. Swing the free leg back so it stays in line with the torso. Lower the upper body until a mild stretch is felt in the hamstrings. Return to the starting position.

4. Perform the prescribed number of repetitions and switch sides. Focus on pushing the hips back and not on bending at the hips. The movement occurs at hip level. Keep the spine neutrally aligned throughout the entire exercise.

NEXT: Stationary lunge to overhead press


Stationary lunge to overhead press




1. Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart and dumbbells parallel overhead. Step left foot behind you, keeping heel off the ground.

2. Bending knees, lower your body toward the floor as you bring the weights down to a 90-degree angle. Both legs should bend to a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the lunge.

3. Straighten legs back to standing as you raise dumbbells back to overhead position. Repeat for desired number of reps and switch feet.

NEXT: Box Jumps





1. Begin with a box of an appropriate height 30 to 60 cm in front of you. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. This will be your starting position.

2. Perform a short squat in preparation for jumping, swinging your arms behind you.

3. Rebound out of this position, extending through the hips, knees and ankles to jump as high as possible. Swing your arms forward and up.

4. Land on the box with the knees bent, absorbing the impact through the legs. You can jump from the box back to the ground, or preferably step down one leg at a time.


NEXT: Target your core with these three exercises. 



from Fitness

Low carb chocolate cake recipe


Treat yourself with this refined sugar-free, low carb dessert by organic, natural and low-calorie sweetener Natvia. 

Ingredients (makes 16)

  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • ½ cup boiling water
  • ⅔ cup Natvia
  • 3 eggs
  • ¾ cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 ⅔ cup almond meal
  • ½ tsp baking soda


1. Preheat oven to 170°C and line and grease a round cake pan.

2. Combine cocoa powder, boiling water and Natvia and mix until combined.

3. Whisk eggs until light and fluffy and a pale yellow.

4. Add coconut oil and mix until combined.

5. Add flour and baking soda and mix until combined.

6. Add cocoa mixture and mix until combined.

7. Pour into cake pan and bake for 30 to 40 minutes until set.

NEXT: Try this protein cheesecake for another delicious treat.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Energy boosting eating plan


Start the day off on the right note and follow through with this high energy diet plan by dietitian Sally-Anne Livock.




Breakfast is an essential start to the day. It kickstarts your metabolism after the overnight fast and provides a great opportunity to get some dairy and fibre into your day. By giving your body the right fuel every morning, you reduce the risk of weight gain by elevating your metabolic rate and lowering the tendency to snack inappropriately. Choose one of the following options.

Cold Breakfast

» ¾ cup high-fibre, low-GI cereal (e.g. All Bran, Guardian, cooked raw oats) with 200mL skim milk, topped with ½ sliced banana

» 2 x hi-fibre Weet-Bix with 200mL skim milk, topped with sliced fresh fruit

» 150g low-fat yoghurt topped with ⅓ cup rolled oats and blueberries

» 1 cup fresh fruit salad with 200g low-fat yoghurt

Hot Breakfast

» 1–2 poached eggs on 1 slice sourdough with mushrooms

» ½ cup baked beans on wholegrain toast 

» ⅔ cup cooked porridge with 100mL skim milk, grated apple and cinnamon

» Omelette: 1–2 eggs, ¼ cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons grated reduced fat cheese with vegies such as capsicum, onion, spinach, mushrooms, tomato

»1 slice Burgen fruit toast topped with ricotta cheese and sliced pear

» Toasted English muffin with grilled cheese (40g) and tomato plus mushrooms 

  • Never skip breakfast.
  • If you are not hungry in the morning, try reducing what you eat in the evenings or schedule exercise before breakfast. 

NEXT: Lunch







Lunch should always include protein, a low-GI carbohydrate, plenty of vegetables and a little fat. Select one item from each column with a glass or two of water.


» Chicken Sandwich: 50g chicken + 2 slices wholegrain bread + avocado + salad

» Tuna Salad: 1 tin tuna + ½ cup quinoa + sliced capsicum and baby spinach + crushed nuts 

» Mountain bread + salmon + salad

» Toasted sandwich + ham + lots of salad

Café lunch?

» 2–3 small sushi rolls

» Order a sandwich or wrap on wholegrain bread without the butter, and with lots of salad

» Choose a warm salad with chicken, beef or lamb and lots of salad

NEXT: Snacks






Morning and afternoon tea inspiration:

» 1 piece of fruit such as a banana or an apple

» ½ cup unsalted, raw nuts

» 200g tub low-fat natural yoghurt with frozen berries

» 4 apricot halves and 4 almonds

» ½ punnet of strawberries

» 250ml skinny latte

» Homemade smoothie with low-fat milk, yoghurt and frozen berries

» 1 cup air-popped popcorn

» 175g tub of Nestle Forme yoghurt

» 1 John West 61g Tuna to Go Lemon & Cracked Pepper

» 10 sakata crackers with salsa

» Vegie sticks (carrot, celery, capsicum, snow peas, asparagus, cauliflower) with salsa

» Small 100cal muesli bar: Uncle Toby’s Bodywise or Be Natural bar

» 2 Ryvita or corn thins with slice of low-fat cheese and tomato

» 1 can of Weight Watchers minestrone soup

» 40 g mini tub light Philli with carrot and celery sticks


NEXT: Drinks






We need at least 1.5 to two litres (six to eight cups) of fluid a day, not including caffeine-containing beverages such as regular tea, coffee or cola. It is important to drink consistently across the day and remember if you are thirsty, you have waited too long between drinks.

Try having a drink before each meal and at snack times as it goes down easier on an empty stomach.

» Water (keep a water bottle with you)

» Try a squeeze of lemon or lime in cold or hot water

» Put a couple of pieces of cut-up fruit in a bottle of water in the fridge

» Try some plain mineral or soda water. You can add ¼ natural fruit juice or a squeeze of lemon/lime

» Herbal or green tea




Source Weight Loss

What is self-acceptance?


Want to know how to build your self-love muscle? Here's how to set the foundation of unconditional love for yourself.

Self-acceptance negates obsession with securing approval from others or your judgy self. In turn, you radiate confidence and positive energy that will fuel greater self-esteem and positive responses from others.


How to improve it

» Ask, don’t assume: “Stop trying to second-guess what others think of you and assume they like you until proven otherwise,” says Fuller. “Tell yourself that you don’t need approval in order to feel worthwhile – remind yourself that you are a valuable person for who you are.”

» Trade judgment for empathy: Talk to yourself with kindness and approval:


Old You: “I’m such an airhead.”

New You: “I wasn’t concentrating.”


Old You: “I look like a beached whale so I’m not wearing a bikini to the beach.”

New You: “One-piece swimsuits flatter my figure better and play up my breasts, so I wear them to the beach now.”


Old You: “I’ll never get the job, so why bother applying?”

New You: “I’m going to apply and even if I don’t get the job, I’ll get better at doing interviews.”


Old You: “He didn’t call back because I completely bored him.”

New You: “Clearly we didn’t connect well, so it’s a good thing he didn’t call back.”


Old You: “I’m such a klutz I’ll probably trip over when being a bridesmaid.”

New You: “I’m looking forward to being a bridesmaid and it’s flattering that my girlfriend wants me in that role and clearly thinks I will do a great job.”


NEXT: Discover ways to boost your self-esteem.




Source Health & Beauty

Fat-burning HIIT workout

 Get your heart rate pumping with the HIIT workout by Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson from 360Health.





Head to our YouTube channel for more workout videos.



Source : WHF TV

Top ingredients for a well-balanced smoothie


Learn how to get your nutrient fix with these top smoothie ingredients. 


The same criteria that govern optimal solid meals apply to liquid meals: fibrous carbs, lean protein, and a healthy fat source. ”A problem many people encounter is that they overload on the fruit, which will make the smoothie high in simple carbs, and lack the protein, so it doesn’t fill them up,” Robbie Clark warns.




» Berries – blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.

» Banana

» Kiwi fruit

» Cherries (preferably sour/tart cherries)

» Pineapple

» Citrus fruits 

» Mango

» Tomato

 Vegetables (all are good, but these are top shelf): 

» Green leafy vegetable – e.g. kale, spinach 

» Beetroot

» Carrot

» Celery 

» Cucumber


» Protein powder – preferably an organic WPI, pea or hemp protein. If you have severe food intolerances, you might best be suited to an organic brown rice protein, which is usually quite hypoallergenic. 

» Greek or natural unsweetened yoghurt

Liquid (as a base) 

» Dairy – skim or full cream milk (depending on your health goals and taste)

» Milk alternatives – almond, coconut, rice or other nut milks

» Coconut water

 Healthy fats 

» Avocado

» Nuts – e.g. almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pecans

» Nut butters – e.g. natural peanut or cashew nut butter

» Seeds – e.g. sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, linseeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, LSA (linseed, sunflower seed and almond) mix

» Coconut – shredded, desiccated 

» Coconut oil

boosters (low GI) 

» Whole oats

» Raw muesli

» Bran

» Psyllium husk

Sweetener (if needed) 

» Raw honey 

» 100% maple syrup

» Organic coconut sugar

» Vanilla extract

Boosters (optional) 

» Cinnamon

» Raw cacao powder

» Maca powder

» Matcha powder

» Ginger

» Turmeric 

» Kefir

» Bee pollen

» Spirulina 

NEXT: Here are four delicious smoothie recipes to add to your collection.




Source : Diet & Nutrition