
Banana nutella protein muffins


Satisfy your sweet tooth with this decadent yet healthy recipe courtesy of our friends at Goddess Nutrition and Beast Nutrition.


Nutrition (per muffin):

Calories 101kcal // Protein 6.5g // Carbs 11g // Fat 3.6g


  • Non-stick cooking spray
  • 1¼ cups wholemeal flour
  • 1½ scoops (45 g) Goddess Nutrition™ Complete Recovery Lean Protein powder in Banana Marshmallow flavour
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • ½ cup plain non-fat Greek yoghurt
  • ¼ cup skimmed milk»1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup Nutella hazelnut chocolate spread
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts


1. Pre-heat oven to 170⁰C. Coat a 12-cup standard muffin pan with cooking spray.

2. In a bowl, whisk together flour, Goddess Nutrition™ Complete Recovery Lean Protein powder, ground flaxseeds, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, combine eggs, mashed bananas, yoghurt, milk and vanilla extract. Then mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until just combined.

3. Fill the muffin cups halfway and drop a teaspoon-size dollop of Nutella in each. Then use the rest of the mixture to fill the muffin cups to the top. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top and bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool on a wire rack.

4. Store muffins in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

NEXT: Looking for more healthy recipes? Check out our recipe collection.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Cinnamon, pear & date protein porridge recipe

Kick-start your day with this healthy, high protein porridge courtesy of our friends at 360Health.

Ingredients (serves 4)


  • 500 ml water
  • 2 pears, cored, peeled and sliced
  • 1 ½ cups multigrain porridge mix (e.g. rolled oats, triticale, barley, rye, rice)
  • ½ cup pitted dates, chopped
  • 1 scoop 360Health Natural Protein
  • 1 scoop 360Health Vanilla Protein
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • Skim milk, sugar-free maple syrup and walnuts to serve


1. In a saucepan, combine water, pears, oats and dates and bring to the boil over a low heat, stirring constantly.

2. Simmer the porridge for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the pears are tender. Remove from the heat.

3. Stir in the protein powder.

4. Spoon the porridge into 4 serving bowls. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve with skim milk and honey or maple syrup if desired. A sprinkle of walnuts adds a lovely crunch.


NUTRITION (per serve)

Protein: 24g // Fat: 8.5g // Carbs: 47g // Calories: 369


Get your hands on the 360Health recipe book for more delicious recipes.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Fig and cashew paleo bars

Looking for healthy snacks on the go? Try these delicious fig and cashew paleo-friendly bars by our friends at Flannerys. They’re also vegan, gluten free, dairy and egg free, so you know you’re in good hands.

  • Ingredients
  • 1 ¼ cup Flannerys Own Organic Figs (stemless)
  • 2 cups Flannerys Own Organic Raw Cashews, plus extra for topping
  • 1 cup Flannerys Own Coconut Chips, plus extra for topping
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ tsp sea salt, plus extra for topping
  • 1/3 cup Flannerys Own Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp Flannerys Own Cacao Powder


1. Place figs, cashews, coconut, vanilla and sea salt in a food processor and blend until mixed well, but not pureed

2. Pour mixture into a lined baking dish and press down with a fork until mixture is flat

3. Mix the coconut oil, cacao powder and vanilla together in a small saucepan over a low heat until melted, then pour over the fig and cashew mixture evenly

4. Sprinkle extra coconut, cashews and sea salt over the top of the icing and place in the fridge for 2-3 hours or until hardened.





Source : Diet & Nutrition

The key to targeting stubborn fat


A lot of people have a misconception about what exactly ‘stubborn fat’ is. Vision PT Master Trainer, Daniel Tramontana sets the record straight with his expert insights. 

The term ‘stubborn’ almost creates an unnecessary mental predisposition when it comes to fat loss. Clients are often too quick to assume they have ‘stubborn fat’, when most people simply have more fat to lose before they can start burning fat in those notorious areas, such as the belly and hips.

The average fat loss dieter should not be thinking they can strategically target specific areas of fat. When losing weight, your body wants to save calories, so areas such as the arms, neck, fingers, face and feet tend to lean out quicker than the belly, butt and thighs, as having fat in these areas will burn more calories. The body is always adapting to be more efficient.

Clients that have already been training and/or dieting for fat loss from anywhere between eight to 16 weeks and are close to their desired body fat percentage can consider some of their fat as ‘stubborn’. In this case, a little more strategy can be employed.

I find that, for women, the upper body often needs to be almost completely depleted of fat stores before the lower body really becomes active. We store excess energy as fat based on two types of cell receptors: alpha receptors and beta receptors. Alpha promotes fat storage, while beta metabolises fat and makes it available to ‘burn’ as energy. Generally, women have much higher densities of alpha sites in the legs, butt and thighs.

If you want to burn fat from stubborn areas, decreasing alphas and increasing betas is the goal. This could perhaps be related back to our external and internal hormonal environment – basically our oestrogen to progesterone ratios. There is a lot of current research on this matter, and protocols that can help with this hormonal balance include: cutting down on non-organic food and coffee, increasing consumption of cruciferous vegies, drinking lemon water, reducing use of plastics and dry brushing. A useful website is and their app Skin Deep, which indicates the toxicity level, effect on the body and potential for harmful additives found in your primary cosmetic and cleaning products.

Another specialised practice that can shed some light on potential imbalances and obstacles to fat loss is Applied Muscle Testing (AMT). Muscle testing works in the same arena as kinesiology, by testing your body for feedback to identify deficiencies in nutrients, problematic foods, potential beneficial supplements and even helping provide information on specific training protocols that may suit you personally.

Three easy things you can do today to expedite stubborn fat loss:

1. Exercise two to three hours after your last meal or on an empty stomach. This may reduce alpha receptor activity. It also causes us to increase catecholamine hormone production (adrenaline/noradrenaline), which may increase beta receptor activity.

2. Train intensely: use compound multi-muscle, multi-joint movements. For lower body, try lunges, squats and deadlifts. Include some type of interval training into your cardio workouts and then cool down with a 30 minute walk: this can assist in dipping further into fat for fuel now it has been released into the blood stream during training.

3. Stay positive: what your mind believes, your body achieves. If you tell yourself you can’t get rid of that last little bit of fat over and over, you’ll convince your subconscious mind that it’s true and it will obey you. Keep an open mind, visualise the results you want and don’t settle for ‘almost there’.   





Source Weight Loss

Sculpting lower body circuit



Carve your buns, quads, and hamstrings (plus a little bit of core) with this killer lower-body circuit courtesy of trainer Joni Ortiz.




Power through the exercises quickly using your own bodyweight, or take it at a slower, harder pace by adding a set of dumbbells into the mix.



Model/Trainer: Joni Ortiz //  Photography: James Patrick


This lower-body circuit is great for strengthening and toning your lower body and, considering some of the largest muscles of the body can be found in your legs, you get the added bonus of serious calorie burn.

Complete 15 repetitions of each exercise with good form before moving on to the next exercise. Complete each exercise back-to-back with no rest in-between to ensure your heart rate is kept high. At the end of the circuit, rest for 30 seconds (advanced) to 1 minute (beginner), before starting the circuit again. Four rounds.



Forward lunges





Stand holding your dumbbells by your side (if you have them) and step forward, lowering your back knee down to the ground and keeping your front knee in alignment with your ankle. Push through your heel back into standing position. Repeat for 15 reps, alternating legs.




Good morning - squat Rotation




Start in a standing position. Move into a good-morning with a slight bend in your knees, hinging at the hip and with your back straight. From here, sit back into a squat (hold this for a couple of seconds) and then move back into a good morning.  Return to a standing position. This is one rep. Repeat for 15 reps, moving at a moderate to quick pace.





Single-leg deadlifts


Start in a standing position, holding dumbbells at your sides. Shift weight onto one leg, lower dumbbells down, keeping a slight bend in the stationary leg, while kicking alternate leg back. Upon rising, push through the heel and squeeze your glute muscle for two seconds before lowering back down. Repeat.




Bench step-ups with kickback


Stand facing a bench. Step up with your right foot and kick your left leg back at the highest point of the movement, squeezing your glute. Step back down to the ground and repeat with your opposite leg. Alternate legs until you have completed 15 reps.




Spiderman plank


Begin in plank position, holding dumbbells. Bring your right knee towards your right elbow with a slight squeeze in your oblique, before returning back to plank position. Repeat on your left side and alternate sides until you have completed 15 reps.




Bench jumps


Stand facing the bench. Squat down and jump up onto the bench into a squatted position. Think ‘light knees’ – you should not be banging into the bench with force, as this puts undue pressure on your joints. Step back down to the ground and repeat until you have completed 15 reps.   




Alien squats


Get into a squat position with knees wide. Kick feet out without raising your upper body, before moving back down into the squat position. Repeat for 15 reps. This exercise should be completed quickly for best results.




Single-leg variation (lunge – kickback) 



In standing position, shift weight to one leg, move into single leg lunge and, upon rising, kick alternate leg back. Move back into standing position before completing the same movement on the opposite leg. Alternate legs until 15 reps are complete. Remember to move quickly through the movement.













from Fitness

Video: AMRAP core workout


Sculpt your core with this AMRAP (as many reps as possible) workout by 360 Health personal trainer and physiotherapist Alexandra Kierdorf-Robinson.





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Source : WHF TV

Tiramisu smoothie recipe

Get maximum taste and maximum tone with this delicious protein smoothie by Lisha Lorincz.


Chocolate Coffee Layer:

  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ scoop chocolate protein powder
  • ½ cup chilled coffee
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ½ cup ice

Vanilla Cream Layer:

  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ scoop vanilla protein powder
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp cottage cheese
  • ½ cup ice


Blend Need for chocolate coffee layer until smooth. Pour into desired glass, and set in freezer. Next, blend Need for vanilla cream layer until smooth and pour on top of chocolate coffee layer. Garnish with toppings and enjoy!




Source : Diet & Nutrition

10 ways to lower your cortisol levels without the price tag.

So how can you bring down that all important cortisol level without emptying your back pocket? Here are some easy and affordable ways you can relax.



1. Swimming: Any physical exercise will release the happy hormones, endorphins, leading you to momentarily lower cortisol levels. However, swimming takes things one step further, with the water providing a meditative effect to help calm and clear your anxious mind.

2. Yoga: “If you struggle to engage in mindfulness or slow breathing exercises, yoga might be for you,” says clinical psychologist Dr Rosalind Case. “It combines slow and deep breathing techniques with strong postures and movement, which many people find easier to focus on if they are distractible.” Before you start looking at the cost of classes, remember you can incorporate yoga into your daily routine by checking out a book at the library, finding a YouTube video, or downloading a phone app such as Daily Yoga or Asana Rebel.

3. Mindfulness: “Try some daily mindfulness with the Smiling Mind’s app. Remember, it’s normal for your mind to wander during mindfulness – resist the urge to do it perfectly! Just do it every day for a couple of minutes and you should start to notice results,” says Dr Case. Another option is to take time while stuck in traffic or lined up in a queue to observe mindfully, rather than getting impatient. Participants in a study at Maharishi University who meditated daily for four months decreased cortisol levels by an average of 20 per cent.

4. Music: In the journal Plos One, a study was published that looked at the effects of music on stress levels. It found that music was most effective when you used it prior to a stressful situation or environment rather than during or after. When doctors at Japan’s Osaka Medical Center played tunes for a group of patients undergoing colonoscopies, the patients’ cortisol levels rose less than those who underwent the same procedure in a quiet room.

5. Massage and pressure points: You could splash out on a professional full body massage, or you could gain most of the benefits for free at home! Grab some moisturiser, and mindfully rub from the tips of your toes, all the way up your legs, your back, your stomach, arms and chest. Breathe deeply, appreciate the light scent of the cream and think about each body part as you self-massage. For a quick stress relief while out and about, you can even use light acupressure. Pull down gently on your earlobes and rub the inner surface for two to three minutes to relieve some pressure.

6. Chew: Chewing gum may be the answer to a little stress relief. Findings from Northumbria University show that under moderate stress, gum chewers had salivary cortisol levels that were 12 per cent lower than non-chewers, and also reported greater alertness.

7. Have a cup of tea: While herbal usually receives the positive wrap, black tea is the way to go when you want to reduce that stressful feeling. Naturally occurring chemicals such as polyphenols and flavonoids are thought to be responsible for black tea’s calming effects. However, the process of brewing and sitting down to sip is equally calming whatever colour of tea you choose.

8. Sleep: Sometimes that nasty stress hormone can be the reason you’re not getting enough kip, whether you have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep. The average adult is recommended to get between seven to nine hours sleep every night; anything less, and you are rewarded with 50 per cent more cortisol circulating in your bloodstream compared to your well-rested friends. Keep technology out of your bedroom, keep caffeine to a minimum and try not to have any after 12 pm. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, write down what’s bothering you, or go to another room to read until you feel sleepy so your bedroom is reserved exclusively for zzz’s.

9. Get out: Socialising might be the last thing on your mind when those cortisol levels have ramped up, but it could be just what you need. A distraction from what’s setting you on edge and connecting with the real world might have you feeling a bit more normal. Studies published in the journal Science used mice to illustrate the connection between isolation and the level of cortisol that trigger a cascade of potential mental health issues.

10. Breathe: “Slow your heart rate down with slow breathing – check out the Breathing Zone app, which helps you slow your breaths down to an ideal seven breaths per minute,” says Dr Case. There are also various meditative breathing techniques to try including belly breathing or pranayama (forceful inhalation and forceful exhalation)




Source Health & Beauty

Protein carrot cake cupcake recipe

With hints of vanilla, cinnamon and salted caramel, and containing less than 13 grams of carbs, we doubt you will stop at one of these protein carrot cake cupcakes.

Settle down with a cuppa and a clean protein cupcake this winter, courtesy of WH&F cover model Heidi Cannon.


Ingredients (makes 8)


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 1/3 cup crushed walnuts
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 scoop of salted caramel protein powder of your choice
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup vegetable shortening


  • 1/3 cup low fat cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp. organic icing sugar
  • 1 scoop salted caramel protein powder of your choice




1. Shred carrots in food processor.

2. Fold in all wet ingredients.

3. Slowly add in dry ingredients to mixture and blend together (mixture will be fairly dense). Scoop out the mixture and place into individual cupcake tins. I recommend using a tin foil lined cupcake wrapper to make removal easier.

Icing :

1. With an electric mixer, blend cream cheese and salted caramel protein powder.

2. Slowly add in organic icing sugar and blend together.

3. Place in fridge for 10 to 15mins or until you are ready to ice the cupcakes.


NUTRITION  (per cupcake, depending on protein powder used)

Protein= 7g // Fat= 18.25g // Carbs=12.25g // Calories= 236

NEXT: Looking for more healthy treats? Try these mini chocolate pronuts today.





Source : Diet & Nutrition

Your very own DIY spa


Your DIY guide to getting the spa feels at home, courtesy of our interior styling expert, managing director of Dammer Interiors, Louise Dammer.


“The important thing is to keep it simple and think about how all five of your senses can be stimulated,” says Dammer. Think about the type of bath you like the look of, a chair you feel comfortable in and the oils you enjoy the smell of.

1. Keep the space clean and free of clutter to reflect your mind. Achieve this by restricting the amount of furniture to essentials only.  Clear bench tops, and keep things out of sight in storage or organised on shelves.

Hint: Multi-function furniture such as a stool with in-built storage will allow you to keep products and supplies hidden away.

2. Opt for dim lighting to encourage rest.

If you don’t have lights that can be dimmed, try candles or tea lights.

“Lighting is a major element in opening up a space. Recessed spot lighting is perfect for a small space and a feature light hanging over the bath is lush! Making switches dimmable is handy but there are other alternatives,” says Dammer.

3. Have natural oils burning for the joy of smell and relaxation. Peppermint evokes clarity and lavender is calming. Research has also found that lavender improves quality of sleep, promotes relaxation, elevates the mood and reduces anxiety. According to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on heart rate and blood pressure in both men and women, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, it was found that over-exposure to essential oils of more than one-hour might be harmful to cardiovascular health. So perhaps don’t go OTT.

4. Play soothing music as background.Think classical or sounds of nature.

5. Have room temperature filtered water on hand.

In a jug, or a teapot of jasmine tea for cleansing is ideal.

6. Go for natural elements such as wood (cedar smells fab FYI), stone, green and water. Stick with neutral colours for a fresh look and steer clear of bright colours. Paintings and prints also look busy and avert calming effects. Keep the walls a light colour, as dark walls will make a bathroom look small. Light also creates a sense of calm and peace.

Hint: Mirrors will create an illusion of space.




Source Health & Beauty