
Move of the Week: Burpee

Want to get your heart rate up and get stronger? You need to do more burpees! They’re the perfect fat-burning body weight exercise that you can do anywhere. Demonstrated here by Health‘s contributing fitness editor, Kristin McGee, you will feel this move working your entire body. That’s a promise.

RELATED: Body Weight Exercises

Here’s how to do it: Squat and put your hands on the ground, hop your legs into a plank and do a push up. Then, hop your legs back to your hands, stand, and jump.

Trainer tip: If full burpees are too hard, you can do knee push ups, skip the push ups altogether, or eliminate the jump.

Try this move: Burpee

RELATED: Instant Metabolism-Boosting Workout

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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