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Maybe you’ve tried meditating before. You close your eyes, expecting enlightenment (or at least some instant stress relief ) but nothing happens. Until the next minute when you see everything you’re trying to forget about for a minute flooding your mind’s eye—Mail that check! Pick up more tampons! Don’t forget about so-and-so’s birthday!
Yep, we’ve been there. But what we’ve learned is that with some professional guidance and a little determination, you can find your way to meditation’s storied benefits.
We spoke with Elena Brower, one of the teachers featured on the Lolë White Tour (which has a free yoga event in Central Park on Wednesday, September 2nd, that Health is sponsoring), to give us a beginner’s guide. Get ready to say om.
Why is meditation so important?
Meditation helps us reduce the amount of stress in our lives by placing the body into a relaxed, healing state. Each time we sit, we are literally inviting our cells to release long-held maladaptive stress reactions that we’ve accumulated over time, leaving us more clear, bright, level-headed, and adaptable. Through meditation, we can access levels of happiness that become more and more accessible over time. Meditation lowers blood pressure, improves our sleep, and heightens our overall sense of contentment and steadiness, no matter what our circumstances.
RELATED: A Meditation to De-Stress
What’s the easiest way to start making meditation a part of your day?
First, set an alarm for 20 minutes earlier in the morning (you can do it!). Brush your teeth and sit down where you prefer—sofa, chair, or floor. Be comfortable. Set a timer for 20 minutes.
Close your eyes and let the show begin. At first, it will seem as though you’re being bombarded—that’s just your internal clearing happening. Thought after thought will likely parade by in your awareness. Watch, and keep turning your attention back to your breathing again and again. It might take a few minutes, but the thought parade will slow down, and you might even notice some space or a pause from one thought to the next.
When’s the ideal time to meditate?
The ideal time is in the morning for 20 minutes and then again in the afternoon (before eating dinner) for another 20 minutes.
RELATED: A Meditation to Start Your Day
Do you need to sit a certain way to meditate?
Sit comfortably, on a chair, on a sofa, or the floor, if you wish. Sit upright, eyes closed. Ensure that you’re not distracted by how you’re sitting, so you can simply breathe and let your body enter a relaxed state.
How exactly do you meditate?
Get into a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and observe. Give preference to your breathing rather than the thoughts that will inevitably appear in your mind. Keep turning your attention back to your breathing.
What can people do if they have racing thoughts or can’t clear their minds?
Keep watching. That’s precisely why we meditate. Notice how your breathing can at least help you turn your attention inward rather than outward.
RELATED: Yoga Moves to Beat Insomnia, Ease Stress, and Relieve Pain
How often or how long should beginners meditate for?
Try it daily for one week. See how it goes. Any meditation is better than none.
Are there any apps or videos you recommend to beginners? and the Art of Attention Audio Meditation Course have a nice selection on meditation.
Editor’s Note: This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.
from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health
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