
10 Signs You’re Completely Obsessed With Coffee


Today we celebrate one of the most important holidays of the year: National Coffee Day. (Although, if you ask us, EVERY day is coffee day.) In honor of this special occasion, here are ten moments that every coffee lover out there can relate to. If these feel familiar, join the club: You’re java-obsessed. Bottoms up!


Before coffee, you’re like


After coffee, you’re like


Ordering a second coffee

RELATED: How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

This is you when PSL returns for fall


Your Monday motto

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You agree that coffee is great because it’s like a present for waking up

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When someone says you drink too much caffeine

RELATED: 12 Surprising Sources of Caffeine

You feel actual bliss when your latte art is especially ‘grammable.

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Your nightmares are like this

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Your dreams are like this


Your reaction to someone who “prefers tea”

RELATED: Can I Drink Too Much Caffeine?

The sight of milk swirl in your cold brew *almost* makes you tear up

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When Starbucks spells your name wrong (Every. Single. Time.)


Your diet

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RELATED: The Many Perks of Coffee

When someone says they don’t need coffee to wake up


When you realize you spend more on lattes than groceries


And finally, you relate to this mug more than you relate to most people

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RELATED: The Simplest Way to Make Pour-Over Coffee

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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