Photo: Getty Images
Fact: Olivia Munn is flawless. OK, fine, sometimes she looks a little bit stoned on the red carpet, but it’s only because she’s a huge dork and hasn’t mastered the art of squinching yet (yes, that’s really a thing). Lately, though, Munn has been looking extra gorgeous (which we didn’t think was possible), and it’s all thanks to potatoes. Well, potatoes along with a few other minor tweaks.
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We’ll let Munn tell you about it herself:
Firstly, if you’re wondering why her face looks slightly more chiseled, Munn lost about 12 pounds training for her role in X-Men with hour-long workouts a few times per week. “Working out is also great for your skin because it increases blood flow to your face which helps rejuvenate,” she explains.
Munn also reshaped her brows this past year, letting the top of her brows grow out and then plucking the bottoms only. The result? A more horizontal angle that opens her eyes up a bit more (which also helps with that whole squinching thing).
Another change? Munn got rid of her sunspots. But don’t get it twisted—she loves her freckles (and so do we, they’re adorable). However, she noticed that some of her freckles were basically merging with other freckles and becoming majorly noticeable sunspots. So she started using Proactiv Mark Fading Pads to brighten them up and even out her skin tone.
And lastly, the potatoes. Munn has talked about this before on numerous occasions and stands by it. “Japanese potatoes that are high in hyaluronic acid help keep wrinkles away,” she explained. “Look up this video: ‘Connie Chung Yuzihara‘ to learn all about it. There are hyaluronic acid pills and vitamins, but I think that the best way to get it in your system is by eating them in foods that naturally have them.”
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All great advice straight from someone we consider one of our beauty role models. And the best part? Carbs.
This article originally appeared on
from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health
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