
5 Secrets for Aging Gracefully Like Barbara Bush

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Photo: Getty Images

The Bush family matriarch turned an impressive 90 years old today, and though Barbara Bush won’t be doing any skydiving—the 90th birthday activity of choice for her husband, former president George H.W. Bush—to celebrate, the nonagenarian is still going strong.

In an interview with her granddaughter Jenna Hager Bush on the Today Show, she talked about her life so far and the (not necessarily scientific) ways she kept feeling and looking great through nine decades, starting with her distinctive pearl necklaces.

“The pearls are to cover the wrinkles, which they no longer do,” Barbara said. “You can’t wear pearls all over your face.”

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While wrinkles are pretty much impossible to avoid at 90, she and Jenna agreed that Barbara is as sharp as ever. “You’re getting older, but your mind doesn’t seem like it, your humor doesn’t seem like it,” Jenna said.

“No. I’m brilliant,” Barbara cheekily replied, keying in on one of the top ways science has shown you can add years to your life: having a positive attitude.

And that’s just one of the many things you can do to up your odds of making it to 90, just like the former First Lady. Here are four more.

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Sip a cup of joe

Coffee keeps you going for longer than a mere work day: Multiple studies show that drinking it can lower your risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.

Get frisky

You’ve already heard that it burns calories, but did you know that regularly having sex can add years to your life too? In fact, the more orgasms women have, the longer they’re likely to live, according to research by Howard S. Friedman, PhD, author of The Longevity Project ($14,

Get pregnant later in life

A 2014 study found that women who naturally have babies after 33 tend to live longer than those who have their last kid in their twenties. Boston University School of Medicine researchers believe it’s because the gene that allows for later pregnancies to occur may be related to the one that helps you live longer, too.

Enjoy a glass of wine

Research into the world’s Blue Zones—regions where people typically live to 100 and onwards—has uncovered fascinating data about what residents there tend to eat and drink. Aside from eating up to 3 ounces of fish a day and sticking to sourdough or whole wheat breads over white, they also tend to drink red wine. Stick to no more than a glass or two a day, and your health may stay golden well into your golden years.

RELATED: What’s Healthier: Red Wine or Beer?

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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