
The Adorable Reason This Rapper’s Holding a Breast Pump

What does rapper George Moss do after a show? Wash out his wife’s breast pump, naturally!

On Monday evening, the Michigan artist snapped a bathroom-mirror selfie holding up a pair of flanges and posted it to social media. He captioned it, “If you ever wonder what #rappers do when they get off stage, they clean breast pumps for their wives so their baby can eat.” He also added a “#thuglife” for good measure, and thought nothing more of it.

But nursing mothers all over the Internet thought a lot about it—all positive. Today, Moss’s post has more than 42,000 likes and 1,500-plus comments on Facebook, and the breastfeeding community is singing his praises.

RELATED: Gisele’s View on Breastfeeding Has Our Bras in a Twist

“Oh, be still my heart,” wrote Jamie Lynne Grumet on her blog I Am Not the Babysitter. (You may remember Grumet from the cover of Time where she was pictured nursing her three-year-old son back in 2012.) “Love this guy,” read a post accompanying Moss’s pic from online breastfeeding community, The Leaky Boob. Meanwhile’s Facebook page added this caption:”If you’ve ever wondered what REAL #breastfeeding support looks like…”

Allow us to chime in: Way to go, dad! The process of pumping breast milk is time-consuming enough on its own. Thoroughly washing the machine’s complex array of parts (mine has eight) is just another added challenge. It’s especially tricky in a public restroom. (To dry the 40-inch tubing on my Hygeia pump, for example, the manufacturer recommends I swing it over my head like a “cowgirl with a lasso.” Seriously?) I imagine most pumping mamas would welcome more help with the clean-up.

RELATED: How Breastfeeding Could Improve Babies’ Dental Health

Moss totally gets it. In a subsequent Facebook post he redirected all the praise to his wife, Michelle: “This woman AMAZES me! Through all the pain & soreness, frustrations, stress, etc. of trying to breast feed and pump, she gets up in the middle of the night to nurse a hungry baby”—five-month-old son Judah, that is:

We think this man’s pretty amazing, too.

RELATED: Mila Kunis Calls Breastfeeding ‘A Great Workout’

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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