
The New Starbucks Frappuccinos: 6 Drinks We Don’t Need

Photo: courtesy of Starbucks

Photo: courtesy of Starbucks

Because this country does not yet have enough fattening coffee drinks, Starbucks just added six Frappuccino flavors to its menu. Based on customers’ favorite Frap combinations, they include Caramel Cocoa Cluster, Cinnamon Roll, Cotton Candy, Cupcake, Lemon Bar, and Red Velvet Cake. Caffeine addicts with a strong sweet tooth can vote on their favorites.

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Full disclosure: My mouth watered as I typed the flavors. But, really, this is just what Americans do not need. A quick check on reveals that a 16 oz. Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino is 510 calories, with 16 grams of fat. The biggest calorie bargain of ’em all is the Cotton Candy Créme, coming in at 430 calories…and 16 grams of fat.

I like my Starbucks fix as much as the next office worker in need of an afternoon treat—a Caramel Light Frappuccino, please, with just 140 calories and 0 grams of fat. How fab would it be if the almighty Starbucks put its mind to coming out with a new crop of low-fat or zero-fat flavors? Some non-appetizing facts: More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with obesity being a major contributor to heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

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We sure don’t need those Frappuccino calories. Actually, drinking your dessert can be far worse weight sabotage than eating it; a cinnamon roll from Starbucks’ glass case for example, is 420 calories and 13 grams of fat. Not great—but still slightly better than some of their Fraps (new and old).

It’s not just adult obesity we should be concerned about. Last weekend, my 10-year-old went to a sleepover party. After dinner, the kids were taken to Starbucks and treated to Frappuccinos (decaf). “Mommy, I looooooved it—it’s yummy!” my daughter reported. Yummy, they are. But come on, Starbucks; put your clout and vast resources into action and come up with healthier Frap flavors. Americans would surely drink to that.

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from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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