
Top 3 training tips by Alexa Towersey


September cover model and celebrity trainer Alexa Towersey shares her top training methods to burn fat and tone.


1. Resistance Training: 

Combine four compound exercises in one giant set:


8–10 x Barbell Back Squats

»8–10 x Barbell Bent-Over Rows

»8–10 x Deadlifts

»6–8 x Pull-ups 

»24 x Barbell Walking Lunges

TIP: Rest for 2 minutes between rounds and complete 3 to 5 rounds

2. HIIT Training: I like 400m sprint repeats the best.  Start with 5 to 7 and increase each week. 60 to 90 seconds rest between. 

TIP: Don’t do these on the same day as your weight training.

3. Tabata Protocols:  I like to use Tabata-style exercises as ‘finishers’ after a weight-training workout.  It’s essentially maximum reps of an exercise in 20 seconds followed by a 10-second rest and repeated for a total of eight rounds (4 minutes or 2:40 of actual work). 

TIP: My preferred variations include thruster, squat jumps, air assault bike, burpees, mountain climber or deadmill. 





from Fitness

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