
Lower-body booty circuit


Combine these three micro workouts to form a lower-body workout that'll have you working up a sweat.



5 to 6 rounds, with no more than 10 to 15 seconds’ rest between exercises.

5 Burpees // 20 Kneeling Banded Hip Thrust // 5 Burpees // 20 Knee to Squat Jump (10 on each leg) // 5 Burpees // 30 Standing Hip Abductions (15 on each leg).

Workout by Kyla Gagnon

Photography by Jesse Hlady

Kneeling banded hip thrust

buttworkout-kneelingband - women's health and fitness magazine


Placing the band just above your knees, kneel down on a soft surface, toes together and knees apart. Slowly with control, lower your hips back and down towards your feet, pause and slowly with control, rise and push your hips to the front, squeezing your glutes at the back.

Use the strongest band you can.




Kneel to squat jump



Begin on your knees on a soft surface. Place your right foot in front of you, and then your left, holding a squat position. Keeping your chest up, drive through your feet and explode up, landing in a soft squat with heels down. Lower one leg at a time back into your kneeling position. Alternate legs on the stand-up portion each time.




Standing hip abduction


Placing the band either just above or just below the knees, find a strong, stable position on your left leg, holding on to something for balance if needed. Extend your right leg out to the side and every so slightly to the back, pointing your toe towards the floor. Keeping your leg strong and straight, begin raising the leg laterally, and dropping back to tap the floor.









Begin in a standing position. Place both hands on the floor just in front of your feet. Either jump or step both feet back into a push-up position.



 Jump or step both feet back to their starting position and explode up towards the ceiling.

NEXT: Looking for more booty toning workouts? Check out these three butt toning workouts. 




from Fitness

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