
Jenna Douros' pyramid shred workout

As much as we appreciate the calorie burn native to hill sprints, they can get boring come the end of your training week. Change up your routine with this high-intensity blast courtesy of our beautiful cover model, Jenna Douros – if you’re game! 




Regardless of your fitness level or exercise experience – whether you’re a bodybuilder, gymnast or a weekend warrior – you can implement pyramid techniques and principals into your workout routine to achieve amazing results. 

One of the reasons I work pyramid sets into my own training and that of my clients, is because they’re so versatile – you can apply them to nearly any workout. Pyramids can be a great way to break through those barriers that have brought progress to a standstill. The abnormal rep range helps to shock your system, shift those stubborn plateaus and really wake those muscle fibres up to improve tone and shape. 

My training style contains a lot of exercise variety and an abundance of challenges to keep my mind motivated and my results moving forward. I’m so excited to share this pyramid workout with you!

Warning: this workout is quick, innovative, fun and, best of all, makes you feel like a child again. However, don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s a training session you can cruise through. The following pyramid set is a high-intensity, full-body workout that will require everything you’ve got and nothing less.


JD’s Pyramid Workout 

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps (and back up to 10 if you are game.)

The aim is to perform 10 reps of each exercise with little to no rest. Follow suit performing 9 reps of each exercise with little to no rest, then 8 reps, then 7 reps and so on, descending all the way down to 1 rep. If you are game, work your way back up the pyramid in the same fashion until you reach 10 reps again.

There is nothing like a bit of healthy competition to push you harder so you exert more energy and keep yourself accountable. I suggest recording your time for completing the entire workout, so you can try and beat it the next time. Your only competition is you!


Photography: Adam McGrath Hcreations photography


Roll-ups (inverted burpee)




Begin in a standing position. Squat down, rolling on to your back while tucking your knees into your chest with your hands above your head. Rolling forward, throw your hands down towards your feet and kick both feet into the air and press into a hand stand. Lower both feet simultaneously to the ground.

Tip: If this is your first time, you may like to do this against a wall 




Donkey Press ’n’ Tuck




Begin in a standing position dropping your body down (chest to floor). Press your body back up into a raised plank position while simultaneously tucking both knees towards your elbows, and back again. From the raised plank position, jump both feet to land outside your hands and progress into a tuck jump.




Bulldog Kicks




Begin in a bulldog position with your knees an inch from the ground (wrists, elbows, shoulders in alignment plus knees and hips in alignment). While doing your best to maintain the bulldog position, kick both heels up to meet your booty and return to the bulldog position (you will very quickly feel this in your midsection so keep that core rock solid to maintain a strong position throughout the movement).

Tip: This is a very small but quick move. To get the most out of this exercise it is best to build up a rhythm and blast out the reps consistently one after the other.




Ice-Skating Pistols




Begin the exercise by jumping to the right with a slight bend in your knees. In the same motion, reach down towards the outside of your right foot with your left hand. Perform a pistol squat (single leg squat) on the right leg. Repeat this movement in the opposite direction.

NEXT: Looking for more challenging workouts? Head to our workout section of the website for more.










from Fitness

10-minute equipment free workout with Tiffiny Hall


Target your arms with this heart-pumping upper body workout by January 2017 cover model Tiffiny Hall.


Gear: nada

Go: 20 seconds' work, 10 seconds' rest, 4-6 rounds (push yourself!)


Words/workout: Tiffiny Hall (pictured)

Photography: Future Pictures


1. Jab, cross punches



It’s the ol’ one-two! You can make this one a bit trickier with some hand weights if you’re up for the challenge. Don’t have any weights? Yeah, you do! Just use weighted balls, water bottles or soup cans. 

» Stand side on with your guard up (elbows close to your body and fists protecting your chin).

» Perform a quick jab with your front arm and follow up with a cross punch with your back arm. Keep em coming!

» Remember to roll your shoulders through the movement too to get your abs involved.

NEXT: Speed skipping – with or without a rope




2. Speed skipping – with or without a rope



No rope? No problems! With or without, skipping will get your heart rate up, your blood pumping and your body ready to go. This exercise doubles as your active recovery – no rest for the wicked!

» Play make-believe or use a real rope to continually skip on the spot.

» The key is to keep those arms moving around for added burn.


NEXT: Tiff boxing combo: double jab, cross, hook, uppercut, uppercut



3. Tiff boxing combo: double jab, cross, hook, uppercut, uppercut



You can do this into a pillow at home, with a boxing bag at a gym or shadow box in a mirror (show yourself who’s boss!). Really put some oomph into it, lead with your front two knuckles and make sure you keep that thumb on the outside of the fist so it doesn’t get hurt (a little boxing 101). 

» Stand side on, guard up, light on your feet, and jab twice with your front arm (quick like a dart!).


» Throw a single forward punch with your back arm (the ‘cross’) followed by a hook punch with your front arm (lead with your elbow across your body on this one).



» Finish with 2 uppercuts – elbows tight against your body, first starting at your chin and leading through to head height (or your pillow opponent’s) chin. 





NEXT: Speed bag both arms 





4. Speed bag both arms 





Get ready to burn out your arms and roll with the punches! The challenge is to keep your elbows nice and high. 

» Stand facing the corner, light on your feet, fists above your head – whatever you do, don’t let those elbows sink.

» Start rolling your hands over each other, pushing through your imaginary speedball with the top hand – pow, pow, POW!

» Now for the other side (gotta keep it even!).

NEXT: Uppercuts non-stop





5. Uppercuts non-stop




No pauses! Keep your core tight, your chin protected, your elbows tucked in, and stay as light on your feet as you can. Get down low, and go go go!

» One foot forward, your body facing the front, get your guard up (don’t let it drop). 

» Alternating arms, perform continual uppercuts – tuck your elbows into your body and drive your fists up through head height

NEXT UP: Core blast with Tiffiny. 




from Fitness

Superset leg day workout


Take your leg day workouts to the next level with this superset style circuit. 

The rules:

Perform this leg workout twice a week. Keep two to three days between sessions. Once you get used to the moves you can add more weight. 

Superset 1

Squat with wide stance x20 + Stable lunges x15 per leg

4 rounds



Do 20 squats with wide stance. Make sure your weight is on your heels and your knees are pointing the same way as your toes. 

After your 20 squats, do 15 stable lunges with your right leg starting in front. Then switch sides.  Make sure your knee dosn’t come over your toes and keep your weight in the middle. Do not lean forward. Switch starting leg on next set.


After your first round of squats and lunges, rest for one minute. Repeat four times.


Words/workout: Janni Hussi (@jannihussi

Photography: James Patrick








Superset 2

Deadlift with dumbbells x15 + Side lunges x15 per side

4 rounds





Do 15 deadlifts keeping your back straight the whole time. Bend over until your movement doesen’t allow you to go further. You can feel a nice stretch on your hamstrings, but it’s not supposed to hurt. Flex your butt and bring the move back up. Keep the weights close to your legs all the time.

After you are done with deadlifts do 15 side lunges (right away) one side at time (total 30 reps).  Remember to switch starting side on next set. Keep your knee on the same line with your toes and keep your weight on your heels.  Make sure your back is as straight as possible and do not bend over.


After finishing this superset have a one minute break. Repeat four times.





Superset 3

Glute kick x20 per side + Glute bridge x25

4 rounds




Do 20 glute kicks and concentrate on your glutes the whole time. Try to keep your back stable and avoid any extra moving. Make sure your heel leads this move and your knee is at 90 degrees. Keep your leg up and flexed for one second before bringing it back down. Don’t rest at down position; keep your leg moving. Do one side at a time, and immediately start with your other leg. Switch starting side on your next set.




Once you are finished, start your glute bridge. Keep your weight on your heels and lift your butt up. Flex at up position for one second before bringing the movement back down. Don’t open your knees to the sides; they should stay closed. 

After your first round, rest for a minute. Repeat four times.




from Fitness

Blueberry choc chip quinoa squares


These delicious choc chip squares are high in protein and so tasty, it'll be hard to stop at one!



Ingredients (makes 8)

  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • ½ cup quinoa
  • ¼ cup Greek yoghurt
  • ½ cup apple sauce
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 2 packets Truvia sweetener
  • ½ cup chocolate chips



1. Mix all wet ingredients together

2. Slowly add dry ingredients and chocolate chips

3. Pre-spray tins and preheat oven to 175˚C

4. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until light golden brown on top



Nutrition (per square)

Protein 10g // kJ 521 // fat 3.7g // carbs 14.75g


Recipe: Heidi Cannon // Get more delicious protein recipes through Heidi’s app, Mrs Cannon’s Baking. 




Source : Diet & Nutrition