
Bun Dropping Is the Latest Beauty Craze Taking Over Instagram

Every once in a while, the Internet brings us something highly confusing yet instantly necessary. If you’ve ever come across the “Oddly Satisfying” video category on the Instagram explore page, you already know what I mean. Who knew that watching silly putty being folded could take up three hours of our mornings?!

However, the latest video trend taking over good ol’ Insta. has been dubbed “bun drops,” which we feel is a nod to the fact that the videos feel like whatever the hair version of a mic drop would be, and they have become our go-to for midday meditations.

Before we even try to explain it, check out these bun dropping videos below.

RELATED: Guaranteed: Kaley Cuoco Will Make You Want to Wear Hair Ribbons

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Apparently, a ton of Instagram users have hair so long and luscious that Rapunzel would be envious, and they have been posting slow-motion videos of their buns unraveling. Yep, the same thing you do to your topknot after a workout… or that ballerina bun after a dance recital when you were like, six years old. So insanelysoothing and mesmerizing, right?

With that we say, if you’re sporting super long hair, consider a bun drop video. And if you’re not, join us in some serious hair-spectatorship.


This article originally appeared on

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

Ariel Winter Posts a Reminder to Be Kind Online

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

Unfortunately, when it comes to online bullying, Ariel Winter has had enough personal experience. The Modern Family actress is often on the receiving end of nasty comments of trolls commenting on things that, well, they have absolutely no business commenting on.

Whether it’s her high school graduation dress or a bikini shot that someone has deemed “too revealing,” Winter has had to deal with some serious cyber hate. And while some in her situation would fire back negative comments, she always chooses the high way—and that’s why we’ll forever be #teamAriel.

Yesterday, she took to Instagram to post a response against online bullying and it pretty much made our day.

“Every time someone bullies me online, it gives me a chance to re-emphasize to my fans, and even myself, how important self-acceptance is,” she started her post. “[…]the question I ask myself each time I read the mean comments is if this is how you talk to a stranger online, I can only imagine how cruelly you speak to yourself,” she continued. Check out the full post below.

RELATED: Ariel Winter Reveals New Hip Tattoo in Sexy Bodysuit-Clad Instagram

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To quote another celeb, “Kill ’em with kindness” and we think Ariel just did.


This article originally appeared on

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

Lower-body booty circuit


Combine these three micro workouts to form a lower-body workout that'll have you working up a sweat.



5 to 6 rounds, with no more than 10 to 15 seconds’ rest between exercises.

5 Burpees // 20 Kneeling Banded Hip Thrust // 5 Burpees // 20 Knee to Squat Jump (10 on each leg) // 5 Burpees // 30 Standing Hip Abductions (15 on each leg).

Workout by Kyla Gagnon

Photography by Jesse Hlady

Kneeling banded hip thrust

buttworkout-kneelingband - women's health and fitness magazine


Placing the band just above your knees, kneel down on a soft surface, toes together and knees apart. Slowly with control, lower your hips back and down towards your feet, pause and slowly with control, rise and push your hips to the front, squeezing your glutes at the back.

Use the strongest band you can.




Kneel to squat jump



Begin on your knees on a soft surface. Place your right foot in front of you, and then your left, holding a squat position. Keeping your chest up, drive through your feet and explode up, landing in a soft squat with heels down. Lower one leg at a time back into your kneeling position. Alternate legs on the stand-up portion each time.




Standing hip abduction


Placing the band either just above or just below the knees, find a strong, stable position on your left leg, holding on to something for balance if needed. Extend your right leg out to the side and every so slightly to the back, pointing your toe towards the floor. Keeping your leg strong and straight, begin raising the leg laterally, and dropping back to tap the floor.









Begin in a standing position. Place both hands on the floor just in front of your feet. Either jump or step both feet back into a push-up position.



 Jump or step both feet back to their starting position and explode up towards the ceiling.

NEXT: Looking for more booty toning workouts? Check out these three butt toning workouts. 




from Fitness

Lauren Conrad Has a New Take on the French Mani

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

We love a good twist on an old beauty classic. Don’t get us wrong, we’re all for a bold red lip, Old Hollywood waves, or a dramatic cat eye, but sometimes we need to spice things up a little.

So if you are headed for the nail salon post-Labor Day, Lauren Conrad has a mani idea for you that has just the right amount of understated classic charm and a little sparkle to make things a little more fun.

The designer and lifestyle blogger took to Instagram to share a snap of her reverse French manicure, and naturally, she totally nailed it. Pun fully intended.

According to Olive and June—the California-based salon where LC went to get her nails done—the main color painted on her tips is CND Shellac in Bare Chemise. Then, it looks like the salon pros applied a shade of white or silver at the base of the nail bed.

RELATED: Lauren Conrad Set the Record Straight on Her Famous Mascara Tears

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And now that you’ve seen the photo, we will also address the obvious: Conrad’s sparkler is To.Die.For.


This article originally appeared on

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

This Lingerie Brand’s Latest Campaign Is All About Real Women and Their Amazing Achievements

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Today’s good news comes from across the Atlantic, and trust us when we say it’ll have you cheering. We’ve always loved a good fashion campaign that promotes a healthy body image and body positivity, but this one is so much more.

A year ago Panache, a UK-based lingerie brand which also sells product in the U.S., started searching for models to front its fall 2016 campaign and asked the public to nominate women who have inspired them with their achievements.

RELATED: The Underneath We Are Women Photo Series Is a Body Positive Campaign You Can’t Miss

Seven thousand nominees and 12 months later, Panache launched its new “Role Models” campaign with the six finalists that the public voted for, and they all deserve the utmost respect for the work that they do and accomplishments they’ve made.

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Take Anja Loven, for example. In 2013, she sold everything she had in her native Denmark and moved to Nigeria to set up the African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation, that takes care of children abandoned by their families after being accused of witchcraft.

RELATED: Here’s a Look at Lena Dunham’s Unretouched Lingerie Campaign

After her battle with ovarian cancer plus-size model Elly Mayday started giving talks about her inspiring story, as well as promoting body positive mentality. She was also featured in the documentary A Perfect 14, which highlights the lack of diverse body sizes in the media.

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Sylvia Blach is an ambassador for disabled people in her native Poland. Her blog “Rozkosze umysłu” (Pleasures of the mind), inspires other wheelchair-bound women to follow their dreams and not let their disability define their life.

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We told you! This is one of the most beautiful campaigns we’ve ever seen—PERIOD.

To read more stories and see the gorgeous images from the campaign, head to Modelled by Role Models.


This article originally appeared on

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

Fitness model healthy food swaps


If you're struggling to swap out certain unhealthy foods, three of our favourite fitness bloggers and models share their food swaps below.

Bianca Cheah 


Fitness website founder and model  // and

“I eat a high-protein, low-carb diet. I don’t eat dairy foods like milk, cheese and yoghurt. Chicken and fish are my top protein picks and with them I always eat plenty of fresh vegetables – particularly the vegies in season as they are grown more naturally. I eat very little sugar and minimise intake of carbs as they make me feel bloated and lethargic. I avoid processed foods, which really make me feel hungover. Vegies are on high rotation in my diet; the fresher the meal, the better I feel. I feel good knowing I’ve nourished my body with a huge vitamin boost, but I also believe it’s really important to allow yourself treats in moderation, otherwise abstaining can lead to binge eating. I like to snack on chocolate-covered goji berries, which are full of antioxidants." 

Cow’s milk 


Lactose-free almond or soy milk

Green vegies 


Green juices (broccoli, broccolini, spinach, cucumber)




Dried fruit  


Fresh fruit

White carbs 


Quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato

Bland food 


Flavoursome food (spices)

Fruit juices





Biodynamic and organic red wine



Steamed broccolini

Milk chocolate


Chocolate-covered goji berries


Sophie Guidolin


fitness blogger  //

“I overhauled most of my habits, which meant I cut back on sugar, reduced my intake of carbs, started avoiding processed foods, reduced my intake of preservatives, colours and additives, added more lean protein, reduced my intake of dairy foods and ate a bigger variety of vegetables.”

Liquid kilojoules (cordial, soda, milk)





Protein brownies

Flour pancakes


Quinoa pancakes



Low-carb cake (e.g. coconut flour)

White rice




Emily Skye 


Fitness model  //

“I don’t eat sugar except for a little natural sugar in fruits and vegetables and barely eat any starchy carbs, but I have more meat and a wider range of fresh vegetables and salads. I avoid gluten and wheat and I’ve cut right down on dairy products except for natural yoghurt and cottage cheese as they’re lower in lactose, which I’m sensitive to. I avoid processed foods, artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. Swap low-fat foods, which usually contain a lot of salt, sugar or other additives and chemicals, for full-fat foods, which can be more filling and often contain less additives.”



Pure water

Processed carbs


Complex carbs (brown rice, quinoa, oats, sweet potatoes)

French fries


Sweet potatoes

Burger buns


 Portobello mushrooms 

White rice



Lasagne sheets






NEXT: Craving fast food? Here are few sneaky fast food alternatives




Source : Diet & Nutrition

How to stop yourself from overeating


Wondering why you constantly overeat? Here are three factors that may be contributing to over-indulging. 


It’s easy to over-dramatise the odd extra helping as a ‘binge’ or ‘blowout’, but if you are consistently eating more than your body needs, there may be good reasons. 

The stick: Macro shortfall

The human body’s drive for protein is so powerful that it will keep consuming food until its protein needs are met according to a University of Sydney study. As protein intake decreases, kilojoule intake increases, researchers reported.

The fix: Consume 15 to 20 per cent of daily kilojoules from high-quality, low-fat protein sources. Lean meats, legumes, fish, eggs and tofu all qualify.

The stick: Multitasking

Whether it’s the portion sizes at your local, a bout of intense work stress or mindless nibbling in front of the telly, there’s a whole gamut of reasons why we eat more than what we need or when we’re not hungry at all . 

The fix: Try to eat intuitively – only when you’re hungry. Focus on eating when you feel hungry and stopping when you feel full. 

The stick: Overwhelm

Research suggests that when we can choose from a wide variety of foods, we generally eat more. Under the ‘smorgasbord effect’, new flavours are thought to stimulate appetite while bland or monotonous menus bore us into disinterest. 

The fix: Limit yourself to a few choices.

NEXT: Kick start your clean eating journey with our 10 step guide to cleaner eating




Source Weight Loss

Coconut chia pudding recipe


Kickstart your day with a delicious bowl of coconut chia pudding or dessert, perhaps?


½ cup (25 g) flaked coconut

½ cup (5 g) chia seeds

1 cup (250 ml) coconut milk

1 cup (250 ml) coconut water

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

¼ cup (85 g) pure maple syrup, plus extra for drizzling

¼ tsp sea salt

½ cup (70 g) macadamias, lightly toasted and crushed

Seasonal fruit, such as mixed berries, pomegranate seeds, figs, grapes, and sliced strawberriesMicro-herbs and edible flowers (optional), to serve.


Place the coconut, chia seeds, coconut milk, coconut water, vanilla, maple syrup and salt in a bowl and mix until very well combined. Soak in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

This is an edited extract from The Healthy Model published by Lantern.

Recipe first published in nourish magazine.




Source : Diet & Nutrition

Chocolate chip peanut butter cookies recipe


Love peanut butter and chocolate? Try these guilt-free chocolate chip peanut butter cookies for a treat by Heidi Cannon.

What you'll need

  • ½ cup apple sauce 
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 3 tbsp chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ cups oatmeal 
  • 1 sachet Stevia sweetener
  • 1 cup chocolate protein powder

What you'll do

Mix ingredients and bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown (these cookies bake fast, so keep a close watch on the oven). 

Heidi's protein baking intel:

1. Always pre-spray any cooking tin or sheet as protein loves to stick! I use coconut oil or low-fat cooking spray. It also helps to use a non-stick baking dish or sheet. 

Nutrition info (per cookie)

2. Watch your baking. All ovens cook differently, so check them every five to 10 minutes to ensure optimal results.

3. Freeze. Because these recipes have no butter, flour or sugar, they don’t typically stay as well preserved as regular cakes and cookies. If you won’t get through 48 cookies in a few days (a-hem), freeze the rest and thaw as you need them. They’ll still taste great. 

kJ 96 // Fats 1.63g  // Carbs 1.56g // Protein 3.34g 

Looking for more guilt free treats? Try these high protein chocolate cupcakes



Source : Diet & Nutrition

Ashley Graham Debuted ANOTHER New ‘Do at the 2016 VMAs

Photo: courtesy of BH Cosmetics

Photo: courtesy of BH Cosmetics

Another day, another new look from Ashley Graham. Not only is she killing her Insta game per usual, and obviously dishing major hair and beauty inspo on her new ANTM gig, but the Sports Illustrated cover vixen showed up to the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards looking fierce. But that’s not nearly all, folks. As you may recall, a little over a week ago, Ms. Graham went blonde.

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Then, she upped the ante, like majorly, by getting an uber chic lob. But guess what? Turns out this supermodel wasn’t planning on stopping there. She made her red carpet debut last night as a freshly trimmed member of the chin-grazing choppy bob club.

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

RELATED: Ashley Graham Gave Honey Blonde Hair a Moment

And it looks so dang good on her. Is there any look she can pull off? Not to mention, it just further frames her stunning face. We don’t know if she’s going to change her look up again in the next five minutes, but all we can say is we are so looking forward to what she does next.

But that’s not all, you guys. We were lucky enough to catch up with Ashley on the red carpet and we got the skinny on her whole look, specifically her custom Naeem Khan gown that left very little to the imagination. She tells us, “I wanted to show off my body, but make sure it was red carpet appropriate. I love showing my body off in lingerie, so why not?” Um, who else wants to rock a naked dress to work tomorrow? You’ll probably need Ashley’s tip for getting into that showstopping number, though. Her tip? “You step into it, and go, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.” Done.

This article originally appeared on

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health