
Obesity surgery: "It takes a patients psychological support for the operation to be effective"

This is one of the concerns of the World Health Organization (WHO) predicted an epidemic of obesity in Europe by 2030. In France, 6.5 million people are considered obese with the significant risks of comorbidities key: cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, or joint problems. For many people affected by obesity, bariatric surgery appears to be the solution. To celebrate this Saturday the European Day of obesity, 20 Minutes reported on the procedure that allows a rapid and massive weight loss.
Effective but heavy interventions
Bariatric surgery involves reducing the volume of the stomach and is only for considerably overweight people. "These are effective interventions, but heavy," said Dr. Patrick Bergevin, a surgeon and member of the think tank obesity. The gastric band, which had a very strong passion, will block the appetite through a ring on the upper part of the stomach.
"This is the technique that may seem the most trivial but in practice it is often poorly tolerated by patients, especially since it requires great discipline and a rigorous monitoring and may result in the withdrawal of the ring. So by the return of kilos, "warns the surgeon.

"Other techniques, Bypass and Sleeve, are to definitively remove part of the stomach. The loss of weight after these two operations is dramatic, which makes them very attractive to candidates to bariatric surgery, who are women in 80% of cases. Often young mothers, says Patrick Bergevin. But it remains surgery, with its risks. "
Treat causes of obesity
The surgery for obesity can quickly lose several dozen kilos. However, failures and recurrences and reoperations are sometimes appointment. At issue: the lack of support for patients, which may in some cases regain some lost weight. "Undergoing an operation is not enough. A psychological and nutritional support upstream of the operation should be established, as rigorous monitoring "recommends the surgeon who holds information meetings that assist future patients. The opportunity to meet old and made better understand what to expect.
"Bariatric surgery is expected as a quick fix for people suffering from obesity, which often have tried every conceivable plan without successfully lose weight", decrypts Catherine Grangeard, psychoanalyst and author of Understanding obesity (Albin Michel). "Surgery is a tool to treat the symptom that is overweight. But to be durably effective, it must address the causes of obesity, which often are psychological, "she continues.
"Patients are not always aware of these causes. Sexual violence, phenomenon of identification when grew up surrounded by overweight people and dictates of thinness can trigger eating disorders leading to obesity, "explains the analyst. "Now if the cause food drives untreated, the operated patient is exposed to weight regain," adds Dr. Patrick Bergeron.
To date, over 600 million people worldwide are affected by obesity.

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