
The flu has contributed to excess mortality record 18,000 deaths this year

The flu epidemic of "high magnitude", which this year has hit the elderly, has contributed to excess winter mortality record of 18,300 deaths in France, according to the final report of the Health Monitoring Institute (InVS) on Friday .
This is the highest figure since the establishment of the evaluation system of excess winter mortality, that is to say since the winter of 2006-2007. The previous estimate of InVS (12,300 deaths) did not correspond to a national estimate.
Dominated by A / H3N2 (part was not covered by the vaccine), the epidemic has led 2.9 million people to consult ILI. "It is considered that with those who did not consult, flu affected 5.8 million people," says Dr. François Bourdillon, general manager of InVS.
The magnitude of the epidemic, which reached its peak in February, had led to tensions in hospitals, leading the government to launch emergency measures on 19 February that allowed particularly to reopen beds or deprogramming non urgent operations, to deal with the influx of patients.

On the front line of victims, over 65 years, representing 90% of that record mortality from all causes, recorded during the nine weeks of the epidemic (weeks 12-18 of January 9-15 March 2015).
"There is a winter mortality, including when it is moderately cold (...). Both cardiovascular and respiratory problems is observed with the flu and other viruses, this breaks the fragile balance in the elderly. Pre-existing conditions are worsening, "explains Dr. Bourdillon. But it remains to better determine the portion attributable to the flu, he concedes.
"The flu is a serious illness in older people," says the doctor.
The epidemic has had a "significant impact": nearly 30,000 visits to the emergency that resulted in 3,133 hospitalizations, 47% in the over 65 years.
Excess mortality (90,000 deaths) was also observed in 13 of 15 countries participating in the European Mortality Surveillance project. But scientists comparisons are difficult to establish, due to lack of some like (duration of the epidemic, percentage of + 65 in the population by region and / or country ...) explains Dr. Bourdillon.
"It is not the strongest of the influenza epidemics of the past 30 years," notes Dr. Bourdillon however, even if it is one of the important (14th) observed over this long period. "By cons, with the H3N2 virus, outbreaks are more serious and give more complications in the elderly, especially among those already suffering from other diseases," he says.
According to calculations by InVS implemented over a period of ten years, during normal epidemic, if we had 75% vaccinated in 65 years would prevent 3,000 deaths.
This winter, in the communities of elderly / nursing home (nursing homes), the number of hospitalized seized (7%) or dead (3%), however, remained stable despite a "more aggressive and more virulent virus."
"This is a signal of the effectiveness of prevention in nursing homes, thanks to vaccines (83% of vaccinated senior residents) and measures + + barriers used by staff (alcoholic gel, masks ...)" note- he said.

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