
Cancer Screening : A day to save his skin

HEALTH The goal: to alert and sensitize primarily the most risky public ...
This Thursday, rather than sunbathing on the terrace, you can get free in one of the 220 screening centers of skin cancer. The objective of the 17th day of prevention and screening for skin cancer is to alert and sensitize primarily the most public at risk, that is to say those exposed to UV radiation under their profession (farmers, construction personnel or sailors and all persons engaged in outdoor activities) or during leisure time (sports and outdoor activities)

Tips to avoid burning
The National Union of Dermatologists (SNDV), which organizes the day with support from the National Cancer Institute (INCA), emphasizes that early detection of skin cancer greatly increases the chances of recovery. People with fair skin are at higher risk of skin cancer when exposed to sunlight. This is also the case for those who have many moles (more than 40) or many freckles.
The SNDV recalls the need to avoid the sun between 12 and 16h and protect themselves with clothing and a hat, and high protection sunscreen, thinking to cover especially young children. It discourages further tanning booths. Melanoma is a very aggressive cancer whose frequency increases very rapidly in Europe, especially because of the tanning fashion. Cancer of the skin is the most common, however, not melanoma carcinoma but usually less serious, which occurs most often on exposed areas of the body (head and neck) and after 50 years.

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