
4 Weight-Loss Secrets You Can Learn From Men

Wondering how guys get away with eating all that junk?
If you have tried dieting with your guy, this may sound familiar: You, three weeks after the cabbage-ifying your diet and rearranging your life to work, to discover that you lost just 0.4 pounds. Meanwhile, your man is excited because he dropped eight pounds and a total size of pants, he tells you while preparing his "smoothie diet," made from bananas, fried chicken, and chocolate milk . what gives? the researchers studied this and found that yes, men abandon twice as much weight as women when they start a diet. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for it for that, but I have my own theories, not one proven by something other than the intuition of man. Think about them before you throw the mixer to the newly slim rear end of your guy.

Cancer Screening : A day to save his skin

HEALTH The goal: to alert and sensitize primarily the most risky public ...
This Thursday, rather than sunbathing on the terrace, you can get free in one of the 220 screening centers of skin cancer. The objective of the 17th day of prevention and screening for skin cancer is to alert and sensitize primarily the most public at risk, that is to say those exposed to UV radiation under their profession (farmers, construction personnel or sailors and all persons engaged in outdoor activities) or during leisure time (sports and outdoor activities)

The allergic risk will be very high this week

Rhône: The grass pollen will give heart to joy

No need for a pollen-allergy newsletter to realize that pollens were well and truly embedded in our environment these days. Runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy throat ... allergic people live difficult moments.
And that's not all to believe the newsletter nation aerobiological surveillance network (RNSA), based near Lyon, which provides this week a very high risk of allergies in the department, as a major part of France.
A highly allergenic plant

The flu has contributed to excess mortality record 18,000 deaths this year

The flu epidemic of "high magnitude", which this year has hit the elderly, has contributed to excess winter mortality record of 18,300 deaths in France, according to the final report of the Health Monitoring Institute (InVS) on Friday .
This is the highest figure since the establishment of the evaluation system of excess winter mortality, that is to say since the winter of 2006-2007. The previous estimate of InVS (12,300 deaths) did not correspond to a national estimate.
Dominated by A / H3N2 (part was not covered by the vaccine), the epidemic has led 2.9 million people to consult ILI. "It is considered that with those who did not consult, flu affected 5.8 million people," says Dr. François Bourdillon, general manager of InVS.
The magnitude of the epidemic, which reached its peak in February, had led to tensions in hospitals, leading the government to launch emergency measures on 19 February that allowed particularly to reopen beds or deprogramming non urgent operations, to deal with the influx of patients.

Obesity surgery: "It takes a patients psychological support for the operation to be effective"

This is one of the concerns of the World Health Organization (WHO) predicted an epidemic of obesity in Europe by 2030. In France, 6.5 million people are considered obese with the significant risks of comorbidities key: cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, or joint problems. For many people affected by obesity, bariatric surgery appears to be the solution. To celebrate this Saturday the European Day of obesity, 20 Minutes reported on the procedure that allows a rapid and massive weight loss.
Effective but heavy interventions
Bariatric surgery involves reducing the volume of the stomach and is only for considerably overweight people. "These are effective interventions, but heavy," said Dr. Patrick Bergevin, a surgeon and member of the think tank obesity. The gastric band, which had a very strong passion, will block the appetite through a ring on the upper part of the stomach.

Actually, Cannes, High Heels Are Terrible For Your Feet

The Cannes Film Festival suffered a serious foot-in-the-mouth moment when it came to light that some women were not allowed to step onto the red carpet because they were wearing — wait for it — rhinestone-encrusted flats. 

The director of the festival, Thierry Fremaux, has since apologized for the “over-zealousness,” and denied that Cannes had an official heels-only policy in place. 

But still, the news that some women were turned away from a screening of Carol on Sunday night has drawn ire from celebrities and the public alike. Actress Emily Blunt told Variety, “I think everyone should wear flats, to be honest. We shouldn’t wear high heels anymore. That’s just my point of view. I prefer to wear Converse sneakers.”

According to health experts, Emily is on to something — a Converse-wearing world would certainly be better for our health.

10 Diet Mistakes Seriously Slowing Your Metabolism

You probably don’t need scientists to tell you that your metabolism slows with age. But they’re studying it anyway—and coming up with exciting research to help rev it up again. The average woman gains 1½ pounds a year during her adult life—enough to pack on 40-plus pounds by her 50s, if she doesn’t combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss, and stress that conspire to slow her fat-burning engine. But midlife weight gain isn’t inevitable: We’ve found eating strategies that will tackle these changes.
But first, the basics: To boost over-40 weight loss, make sure your meals are around 400 calories, the amount needed to fuel your body while keeping you satisfied, translating into effortless weight loss. The following metabolism-boosting food rules were developed by Dan Benardot, PhD, RD, an associate professor of nutrition and kinesiology at Georgia State University, and Tammy Lakatos, RD. Here’s how to adjust your eating plan to help your body burn fat.

These Small Changes to Your Eating Habits Can Lead to Big Weight Loss

Good news, you can keep your yogurt obsession going. Better news, it doesn’t matter if it’s low or full fat.
As we age and our metabolisms slow, it’s easy to pack on a few pounds without realizing it. But a new study has found that making consistent changes to your eating habits can lead to big weight-loss results over time.
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, followed the dietary habits of over 120,000 people for 16 years and found that those who ate foods that had a high glycemic load (which includes refined grains, starches, and sugars) gained more weight than those who ate foods with a low glycemic load (foods such as nuts, dairy, and certain fruits and vegetables).

The Ancient Aztec Food with More Calcium Than Milk

Of all the so-called superfoods, the tiny chia seed just may be the mightiest of them all, and is certainly one of the most versatile. Once most associated with gag gifts (yep, chia seeds are what sprouted “hair” all over that Chia Pet you got in fifth grade), these nutritional powerhouses are packed with omega-3 essential fatty acids and antioxidants and are a great source of fiber—in fact, just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds fulfills almost half of your daily fiber requirement. They have more calcium than milk, more antioxidants than blueberries, and more potassium than bananas, and pound for pound are quite rich in protein, although you’d have to eat quite a lot to satisfy your protein requirements—and remember, they are positively full of fiber. On the plus side, chia seeds don’t need to be ground, as flaxseeds do, in order for your body to access their nutrients; you can sprinkle whole chia seeds directly on salads or cereal, or stir them into stews and baking batters for a nutritional boost.

3 Tips to Apply Sunscreen the Right Way

Amy Rushlow
You know you should wear sunscreen when you go out in the sun for any significant amount of time. Heck, the advice is up there with “Don’t run out in the street,” “Wear your seatbelt,” and “Don’t eat that gum you found on the sidewalk.” But according to new research, most people don’t regularly apply sunscreen — and when they do, they don’t use enough, which diminishes the product’s effectiveness.